Operation Foxtrot Uniform – HInts and whispers
by HoD Ro' Matlh

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Title   HInts and whispers
Mission   Operation Foxtrot Uniform
Author(s)   HoD Ro' Matlh
Posted   Wed Jan 12, 2011 @ 12:10am
Location   Ro's Quarters
Timeline   After the extraction
Ro’ sat back in his chair. IT was rare of him to feel this good lately. They had gone into a war zone and plucked a prize from the clenched fist of the enemy. Of course he had been doing it without the permission of his superiors. Some might even say he had done it against his superior’s wishes, but no one had actually said he couldn’t, only that there were no ships to spare.

JechwI' appeared at the door, “HoD Ro’. I owe you a debt of gratitude, though I admit to being surprised that any of House Matlh fleet were dispatched to retrieve me.”

Ro’ snorted, “I was not dispatched. I acted independently. A ship’s captain may act withour the direct authority of the KDF or heads of house.”

JechwI' considered, “Indeed? You see yourself as independent of the fleet? Or House Matlh?”

Ro’ scowled at the man, “I take my oath very seriously, to both.”

JechwI' nodded, “I feared as much. Ro’ there is a reason that CoQ was unwilling to ask Haqtaj and the fleet to retrieve me. He did not want my existence or purpose on the planet to become known to those in the Matlh fleet.”

“What are you saying?” Ro’ rose from his chair.

“I am saying nothing, HoD Ro’. Indeed I have been sworn to secrecy about my mission and my goods. I can only tell you two things. First, a time is coming when you may be forced to choose between loyalties, and second, if you deliver me to the Halkarim System, where my goods were to be delivered, you will be bale to find more clues.”

“Clues? Do you take me for some sort of policeman?”

“I take you for a man of honour, and great courage. I wish there was more I could do, HoD Ro’. Be careful, and look around. The sands of time are blown by the winds of change.”

JechwI' bowed and left Ro’ to his now, less happy, thoughts.