Forgotten Glory – Supply Room
by HoD Ro' Matlh & Soghla' HIchop Matlh

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Title   Supply Room
Mission   Forgotten Glory
Author(s)   HoD Ro' Matlh & Soghla' HIchop Matlh
Posted   Thu Feb 27, 2014 @ 5:16am
Location   Supply Room
Timeline   T 0:00
There is a flash of white noise and a ringing in HIchop's ears. For a moment he is confused and disoriented, like when he had been too close the the exploding grenade.

As his vision and cleared and noise began to creep back to him past the ringing, he became aware that he was standing in a small room. He recognized the racks of sheets, towels and medical supplies as belonging to a hospital of some sort. He was, apparently, standing in a supply closet of a hospital. He noticed in his hands was a device about a foot across, though what it was for he could not tell. He was also aware of a gaping wound in his chest that seemed to be oozing purple blood freely.

He could feel no pain though, and as he pulled at the fabric he found the wound was fake. Expertly done, complete with little bio-feedback devices to fool simple tricorders, but fake none-the-less.

So... here he was in a hospital cupboard with a fake chest wound holding some Klingon device he did not immediately recognize. Oh, and no weapons. Since when was he ever without weapons? Even the little hidden blades in his clothing folds were gone.

While he couldn't work out why he was there or how got there, someone (maybe even himself) had gone to a lot of effort to make the injuries look real. He decided to go along with what he knew.


Perhaps going along with it would help to gather information. If someone tried to take what he had in his hand he would refer to it as a relating to family honour and throw anyone who looked to take it then stumbling as if he was zapped of energy. If people wanted a closer look at the wounds he would do the same. Scan away but don't touch. There was an excitement in the plan. First he checked for anyone near the door. It seemed clear. He excited and after closing the door started walking but with a struggle in his step acting disorientated, which really wasn't that hard given he had no idea where he was.

The hospital corridor was a fairly long and nondescript one. People were ambling about confused, as is want to happen in a hospital. In this case though the staff seemed as confused as the patients. He arrived at an open area, perhaps a triage or reception area. There were people behind the desk and a half dozen people sitting supporting injuries. They were all human, or humanoid; No other Klingons.

One man looked down at where his limb was missing and suddenly started screaming, "Oh, my leg! What happened to my leg?"

The outcry seemed to mobalise everyone. People started to groan or whimper. Medical staff leapt to their feet and rushed to anyone who was screaming the loudest.

HIchop could see an open route to the door and the world outside while the staff were distracted. Or he could explore through, deeper into the hospital.

His instinct told him to get out, but why would anyone go to so much trouble to make him look like he has injuries if they didn't want him to be where he was. However he couldn't remember why he was there so there was the chance he wasn't meant to remember anything and had been put there to be forgotten about. Without a clear choice he listened to a small voice bouncing around in his head; "deeper".

So he went in deeper to the hospital. No need to make more noise yet; He just walked through the next set of doors which opened onto another corridor with wards of the sides. Everywhere he looked staff and patients semed equally as dazed and confused as he. The staff had mostly gone into automatic and were following up whatever their charts said, to busy to notice a patient who was apparently able to walk for himself.

That was until he came to a nurses station where one of the looked up at him and exclaimed, "Oh! Code Scarlet! Get me a gurney!"

She rushed around the desk towards him, "Keep calm, help is on it's way."

"I am calm and please don't panic. It looks much worse than it is" He forced. "I am not in shock I have tended to my own wounds and this is why you see no flowing blood. As a Klingon I have many redundant organs preforming my vital functions. Please there are many patients here in much worse condition to me. It would be dishonourable to take priority." Hichop began to move away from the station. He was clearly not going to get answers without causing alarm.

The nurse pulled a medical device from the wall and did a quick pass over the retreating HIchop. Her face went pale, "You... you're having a cardiac arrest! You need to stop, now, or you'll die, redundant organs or not!"