Cabin Fever – Arrival at Moonfleet
by HoD Ro' Matlh & Sogh Germite Ephilom & Ne' Michelle "Mike" Young & Soghla' HIchop Matlh & Soghla' Terri (Tell) Hope & Soghla' Jared & Soghla' Marie St. Helene

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Title   Arrival at Moonfleet
Mission   Cabin Fever
Author(s)   HoD Ro' Matlh & Sogh Germite Ephilom & Ne' Michelle "Mike" Young & Soghla' HIchop Matlh & Soghla' Terri (Tell) Hope & Soghla' Jared & Soghla' Marie St. Helene
Posted   Fri Aug 21, 2015 @ 1:19am
Location   Moonfleet Station
There were many stations to bear the name Masyo' (literally Moon-Fleet) in various languages. Moonfleet herself was run from the center of this web by a disreputable Human by the name of Monahue. Out here though his reach was limited and it was entirely possible that the group were using his name and reputation with only the most loose of true affiliation.

The station was built into the side of a large asteroid, within a wide spread field. This meant only small ships were able to approach and dock; small ships which could be easily dealt with by the weapons that bristled on her surface. Larger ship were dissuaded by the asteroids, nudged along with an array of tractor and repulsion beams. Around the asteroid were parked a couple of other ship; a Nausican raider, a Birellian Corsair, and what looked like a modified Bajoran ship. Nothing the FHew couldn't handle, but all deadly and indicative of the sort of clientele that this station attracted.

As the approached Ro' stood, or rather swayed, in front of the captain's chair watching the scene on the main viewer. Around him the Bridge was all but empty. Bruce was on Helm and comms, Marie on Tactics, Tell managing Engineering, Germite on Life support and Jared was doing science stuff and sensors. HIchop and Mike were in Medical running tests. Everyone else was in their bunks.

“Most of the surface weapons are nothing we couldn’t handle,” Marie reported, “but I think they’re only for show. I’m reading signs of weapons emplacements inside the surrounding asteroids. Sustained fire could disable our shields before we got close to this base.”

"Remember," Ro' cautioned. "These people have not seen Klingons before. They have a reputation for dangerous play, but so do we. Under no circumstances show weakness or hesitation."

“I’ve heard of this Moonfleet,” Marie said. “They tried to impose themselves on Nouvelle Nouvelle Caledonie when I was...about twelve. It was the only time I can remember the factions uniting so they could see them off. Though, as I recall, their leader was a Mohune, not a Monahue. My guess is somebody is trading on the name. It might not be up there with the Nausicans but anyone who knows of Moonfleet knows not to cross it. I recommend a cautious approach. Keep our weapons sheathed and try to look like a lost trader. And by that,” she hastened to add, looking straight at ‘Ro, “I don’t mean showing weakness. Let’s just get a better picture of what’s facing us before we go in all guns blazing.””

"I've heard they have quite a few bases dotted about," said Tell "They say that you should never cross a Mohune unless you don't want to live to tell the tale. Marie's right though we should be cautious until we know for certain who were dealing with. "

"You forget," Ro' cut in, "We have been invited. Open hailing channel!"

"hailing channel op..." Bruce began and turned when he heard a sudden thump. Ro' had fallen to the floor unconscious. The view screen came to life with the face of a human with grey hair pulled back into a pony tail and a scar that cut from his jaw to his forehead, across one milk white eye.

"This is Station Commandant Steele, to IKC FHew," the man said. "We have been eagerly awaiting the arrival of the Prestigious Captain Ro'. Which of you is Ro'?"

Bruce turned and looked at the alarmed faces of the crew. No hesitation he thought.

"Captain Ro' is right here," he said, his eyes falling on the ranking Bridge officer. "This is Captain Theressa Ro' of House Matlh!"

Tell suddenly felt the commandant's eyes on her, "Captain Ro', good to meet at last. I'll admit, the stories about you paint a far more intimidating image than you are to look at."

Tell saw Ro' go down and rushed to his side. He was still alive, thank the gods. She stood up to hear Bruce say her full name, which she hated, but he had called her Captain Teresa Ro'. Tell glared at him. So this is what he meant by third officer.

The chief engineer of the FHew let loose a string of Klingon expletives and kicked the recumbent form of the real Captain in the ribs. He didn't make a sound but she hoped that a few of his ribs were broken. She glanced at Marie who just shrugged her shoulders at Tell and urged her to carry on.

Tell wanted to laugh out loud as if it were all a practical joke, but instead pulled herself up to her full height which wasn't much considering she was supposed to be a Klingon.

She turned her full attention to the man on the screen while feeling the tension all around her on the bridge. 'They don't say hello' her inner voice told her, so what the hell did they say? Oh I remember now'

"NuqneH. Teressa Ro' HoD tlhIngan wo' Duj FHewvo'" [Greetings. I'm Captain Teresa Ro' of the Imperial Klingon Craft FHew.]

"Er, yes of course," the commandant said, taken aback by the invective tirade. "I had expected Klingons to be a different species, but I can see now you are a different branch of Humans. Please feel free to speak English while on the station."

"Now I understand you have selected one of your Klingon Women to entertain my son? A... Cha'a?"

Tell put her hands on her hips hoping to make her self look more formidable than she already was. "Our ships Q...Diplomatic Officer, Soghla' Marie St. Helene will attend to his needs." she told him without looking at Marie but knowing full well what she might be thinking. "Failure to do so will result in a less honorable death."

Marie had not been paying attention which meant she just nodded as if it was no matter to her. Too late, she realised what Tell had just volunteered her for. Great! she thought. Now I get to add babysitter to my CV!

"Hmmm...." The commandant ran an eye over Marie as if examining merchandise. "You'll do. You also have a doctor who will be teaching a lecture on Klingon Medicine?"

Tell nodded and indicated to Mike. "Our ship's Chief Medical Officer, Ne' Young is looking forward to that. She's an experienced officer and will deliver a lecture in the true Klingon style. She also knows the penalty if she fails to do otherwise."

Mike just glared at Tell, with a slight look of confusion that was hidden from all but Tell.

Tell tried to keep her nerve and wondered if she had gone too far but it was too late now. It seemed to work on the Commandant though. "You are cleared to dock. I will meet the three of you in Airlock 4."