Cabin Fever – State the nature of the Medical Emergency
by HoD Ro' Matlh & Ne' Michelle "Mike" Young

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Title   State the nature of the Medical Emergency
Mission   Cabin Fever
Author(s)   HoD Ro' Matlh & Ne' Michelle "Mike" Young
Posted   Fri Sep 18, 2015 @ 5:03am
Location   Moonfleet Lecture Hall
The Starfleet officer (read "Klinogn") was lead down a small passage and down a number of decks. She knew it was vitally important that she did not let on that she was not, in fact, a Klingon. Her own life, as well as those of the crew would depend on her being able to carry this off.

She was led finally into a large lecture space, with tiered seating for nearly a hundred people. It was full but, by the look of them, few of the occupants were medics or doctors as Mike would understand the term. In fact many of them looked more like Security guards.

Martavatta stepped up to a podium, "Thank you all for coming. I am sure you will find the wait well worth the investment of time. I have here the Chief Klingon Medical officer of the IKC FHew. We have heard many tales of their exploits and the situations they have faced and overcome. The good doctor has graciously agreed to share some of her knowledge of Klingon Medical Rituals and Physionomy with us today."

She stepped back, gesturing for mike to start her lecture.

Mike took a deep breath and stepped forward to the microphone.

She started with basic Physionomy, leading into basic first aid for a Klingon, when they actually let you treat them.

As her lecture progressed there was a murmur amongst the crowd till eventually Martavatta got to her feet.

"Excuse me, Doctor," she stated. "While we appreciate the refresher, we were hopping on some more... specific Klingon medical practices. In particular we are very keen to learn of the Hegh'bat; the ritualized suicide of an injured Klingon. We are aware that Klingons have multiple redundant organs and we are puzzled as to how a doctor would be able to administer a killing blow with a single stroke."

Something rang alarm bells in Mike. These people were not asking her how to cure, Klingons, they were asking her how to kill them. It was vital that she didn't let on that she was suspicious, OR that she wasn't a full Klingon. It may be the only thing keeping her alive.