Operation Tourniquet – Secure the Executive Officer.
by 2nd Lieutenant Zorc Dat'oxo & Soghla' Terri (Tell) Hope

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Title   Secure the Executive Officer.
Mission   Operation Tourniquet
Author(s)   2nd Lieutenant Zorc Dat'oxo & Soghla' Terri (Tell) Hope
Posted   Mon Aug 29, 2016 @ 6:11pm
Location   Engineering, Deck 1-4

Dat'oxo walked through the cramped corridors with ease; his life spent in the belly of ships from just about every kind of race the Klingons had encountered as a Marine. The fighting prowess of a ship comes from the heart; in this case, the Warp Core. It would be among his first jobs to protect the heart of the ship; to keep it beating for battle, so meeting the Engineer who is also said to be the second in command seemed a good place to start.

The Engine Room was not a place he frequented in a non-aggressive posture, regularly he would be tasked with securing it and all but killing those that oppose him. He had been assigned to defend it upon occasion so he took not of places to make stands and fall -back positions as he walked. Entering someone else's territory is a skill most must learn in the Klingon tradition, stepping through the hatchway one must annouce self and intensions.

"Engineer Hope, I am Dat'oxo. I have come to discuss things of Securing your heart." He hated the Federation Tongue, it was soopen to many meanings and he hoped he had the right one. "As a Marine it is my duty to do so."

Tell had been in her lab, not her lab really but more of an experimental testing room. Though it was easier to call it her lab. In here she could be committing the art of alchemy, aiming to purify, mature and perfect certain objects that kept this old bucket of bolts flying. She was so intent on what she was doing and listening to some rather loud music which helped her concentrate that she didn't here her name being called at first.

She was fine tuning and descaling one of the coils in the main engine. She had made this piece herself and it was better than the ones coming out of the shipyards. It wasn't a rush job and the spare was in the engine already but it only gave out 80% of its power. Where as the one she had made gave the engine 100% and that made all the difference.

Someone was calling her and making a right fuss of it too. She ought to have a 'Do Not Disturb' sign hanging on the door, if she was ever to get any work done round here. She took off her visor and placed the instrument she was using and the coil safely away for the time being. Then walked out of her lab to see the new Klingon marine standing there. She wiped her hands on a rag and faced him.

" What can I do for you Lt?" asked Tell

Stepping closer to her so nothing would interfere with the conversation he look her in the eyes over the visor. "I-am-Dat'oxo, I -have- come -secure -the- heart." He said slowly in standard so to obey the Captain. "I am to see it is protected." HE had a duty and this woman was his connection to completing the task, he would speak in her tongue to get it done.

"The heart?" asked Tell "What do you mean the heart?"

She knew straight away what he meant and it had nothing to do with her heart which was behind a force field so strong that it would be impossible to break down. He was talking about the heart of the Fhew, the engine, her engine.

Usually jaqwI was tinkering about the engine room doing some repair or other. He was about to go and see to the damn light in the damn hold again that was the bane of her life. What was it about that light? Anyway he thought he had a hold on it this time and was refusing to be beaten by an enemy so disreputable as a light fixture. His honor was at stake here and told Tell.

"I'm going to damn well fix this damn thing if its the last damn thing I damn well do." or worse to that effect if she understood him correctly. He had certainly picked up some of her more colourful metaphors lately.

Glancing over at jaquI, he seemed more interested in what this other Klingon was doing here rather than what he was supposed to be doing. She turned her attention back to Dat'oxo.

"I was told to secure the heart." Dat'oxo pointed to teh Warp Core. "I wish to work with you on that goal." He said slowly so to best control his translation to 'her' tongue so she may understand. "I am Commanding the Marines and teh heart is what powers out battle so my duty is keep it secure." He was most serious. "To do that we must work in conjunction?" He supposed he got it right?

"That's all well and good Lt. But this is engineering, you're a Marine, shouldn't you be doing Marine type things like oh I don't know. Running drills, taking disruptors apart and putting them back together again in record time, practice fighting? That sort of thing?"

"If this ship comes under attack it is we Marines that repel the Torgs that come to take this Heart." Dat'oxo said calmly. "I have come to work on what you require and to perhaps place some... deterants that could be used to buy you more time to keep the ship's heart powering the ship." He explained. "The drills you speak of are what prepare me do protect the ship and I have done my allotment for today. If I need to have more physical work out there are other things that would suffice rather than drills." He said. "But that will be after we plan the protection of a lady's heart."

Well that was the first time anyone had ever volunteered to work in the engine room. A small smirk appeared at the corners of her mouth. There were a few messy jobs she could trust him with. Noticing that jaquI was not around, it was time to get a few things straight.

"Right. I will work out a rosta for you just as soon as clear it with the Cap'n. But lets get one thing clear Mister, the heart your talking about is the engine of the Fhew. She has a beat all of her own and she's the lady.It's my job to keep her heart heating."

Somehow Tell didn't think that this was going to work as her Klingon was as bad as his standard fed.

"You are too pretty for my tastes." Dat'oxo said in common. "I was speaking of the ... How would humans say?" He thought. "The Valkyre that carries us into combat... the Ship." He continued. "No insult you are just ... pretty, I prefer a warrior I can really have 'fun' with ."HE said with a smirk. "Like a partner for exercise?"

Tell had been called pretty once before and had decked Marie for it and she could have easily have brought down Dat'oxo for the remark as well. Saying pretty is like saying the ocean is blue, thought Tell from a favourite song of her's.

It was quite obvious he didn't know what Tell was capable off and a part of her looked forward to showing him sometime. "Well you know what they sat Lt, be care full what you wish for."

"Wishing is for the weak." Dat'oxo said. "It is said of Kahless; 'to wish for events is a passive thing, a Warrior will seize what he wishes." he quote. "I have come to do what is my duty to Secure the heart that carries us into battle, anything else is someone else's wish." This sparked only a shrug. "What measures do you have to protect this place? I will build upon that and together we can assure no one gets to the heart aside from those we allow to touch it?"

Tell's tightened lips and exaggerated sigh seemed to say it all. "The engine room is secure no problems. Ok Lt. I have a list of jobs for you could do. Stick to the list, don't go doing anything different or touching anything different without checking with me first. While I work out your rota."

Dat'oxo glanced at the list, it was the enforcing of fields and some structural work. 'Kat'tak (Manual) labors. He had no problem with this list and if it helps protect the heart he would allow the woman to give him some instructions as to what tasks best suit her needs. Though he did wish he could have a few trick of his own. "ONce these tasks are complete I will inform you of the other ' assurances' of the protection that would be of use here and then I can be assured the Heart is safe." He told her.

"Ok Lt. Then get to work."
