DS14 Crossover – The call for aide
by HoD Ro' Matlh

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Title   The call for aide
Mission   DS14 Crossover
Author(s)   HoD Ro' Matlh
Posted   Mon Jan 30, 2017 @ 3:20am
After talking to Otto Zuse, Sharpe went to his ready room and sat at his desk. "Comms, please put me through on a secure channel to la'quv YIghegh Matlh on Red World."

Kassa sat up at her workstation when Sharpe called. Truth be told she was tired, it had been a long shift, but, such was life. She injected some pep into her reply, "Aye Aye, Captain!!!" Her hands flew across the console. Now, if only Crewman Yohan would show up with her double espresso seven.

Sharpe waited a few minutes and then the face of a female Klingon appeared on the screen in front of him.

"Captain Sharpe," the woman began. "I am Kut'luc, aide to YIghegh. Unfortunately he is not available at this time. How may house Matlh be of assistance?"

"Greetings to you Kut'luc and to YIghegh." replied Sharpe "I'm hoping that you might be able to assist DS14. We have a common but deadly fever that has broken out among the Xartosian and Romulan refugees. It only affects Vulcanoids but its cure are the berries of a plant that once grew prolifically on the planet below the station. Our team have retrieved a very small amount but it's not enough for a complete cure and there is the fact that..."

"While we sympathise with your plight," Kut'luc cut in, "I find it hard to believe that you are coming to the Klingon people for Medical advice. What is it you want, Captain?"

"Well, we would like to borrow one of your ships." he asked "We have heard of a planet called Thanis where the plant grows in its natural form. But its deep within Romulan space and as you know Star Fleet cannot cross the Neutral Zone. A small Klingon craft with civilians might just get in and out with out being detected."

"A ship?" The aide pondered aloud. "Our normal support craft are occupied in pacifying a mining dispute... however..."

She pressed a few controls and read a monitor before continuing more carefully, "I MAY have a ship for you. The IKC FHew has been in the area for a resupply run. I believe the Captain has worked with both the Federation and the former Romulan Star Empire before and may be willing to help you now. I warn you though. The commander, Ro', has a... reputation. You would be wise to tread carefully with him. I am sending you a frequency you can reach them on."

A few seconds later Sharpe had the frequency. He had heard of a few Klingon vessels but not the IKC FHew.

"Thank you for your help Kut'luc. Indefatigable out." The screen wet blank but the word 'reputation' hung in the air in front of him. He needed to check the crew of the FHew out but there was very little time.

"Comms." Sharpe asked "Please contact the IKC FHew using this frequency."

Kassa had just taken a drink of her double espresso seven when Sharpe called. She swallowed too quickly, the drink felt like it burned her throat all the way to her stomach. "Aye, Captain."

The screen came to life, but it was a human at the other end. A younger man with bright blue eyes and a shock of blonde hair.

"G'day, blue. You've reached the IKC FHew. Most of the Command crew are busier than a Dingo at daycare. What can we do you for?"

Sharpe was surprised to see the human on the other end as he thought it would be an all Klingon crew. He wasted no time and got straight to the point it seemed to be the only way.

"Need to borrow your ship." Sharpe asked "To cross over into Romulan space, retrieve a cure for a deadly fever and head back with out being detected."

"Strewth", the man cussed lightly. "That's a task and no mistake. Hang on, I'll get the Captain."

The screen went dead. A short while later the face of an ancient Klingon appeared. There was blood across his armour and he could be seen wiping a knife clean as he spoke.

"Ro' HoD, IKC FHew. Greetings, Captain Sharpe. My helmsman says you have a request of the Klingon people. I'm a busy man at the moment, and I am sure you are keen to get back to your daughter. What do you want?"

If Sharpe was surprised at HoD Ro's reply he tried not to show it. It wasn't a secret that his daughter was with him on DS14 but he was just made suddenly aware that so many others knew it too.

"Greetings HoD Ro'. I trust you're well?" Sharpe paused before diving straight in. "You might be aware that a fever has broken out among the refugees on DS14. Unfortunately the cure for this is in short supply and isn't of good quality. There is however a planet called Thanis where the plant grows naturally and there is plenty of it but Thanis is in the heart of the Romulan empire."

Ro' narrowed his eyes, "I have heard of Thanis, though I though it to be abandoned now. It is well inside Romulan controlled space. I doubt you could get permission to take your ships that deep into their territory."

"That's right we can't. But a Klingon vessel, the FHew, with civilians on board might be able to get there and back undetected."

Ro' sat back realising what he was being asked. He was silent for a time.

"I take it this is not an 'official' request from Starfleet, but the act of a desperate man trying to save his people," it was a statement rather than a question. "I am afraid I cannot comply to your request. Your station is under quarantine and I am unwilling to expose any of my crew to your contagion. Good luck to you, Captain. Give my best to Ambassador Haqtaj when you see her next."

The screen suddenly went blank before Sharpe had a chance to say anything else or plead his case. They would have to think of something else. He wasn't looking forward to telling Otto Zuse.

Meanwhile on the IKC FHew Ro' sat in his chair for a long time thinking about the request and cleaning his knife. He stood up and bellowed, "TELL!"

"What now Cap'n." she replied impatiently "I have a million and one things to do, rotas to sort, supplies to sign off and a someones surprise birthday party to organise."

Ro' moved to the human engineer and first officer, "I understand we have developed a minor engine issue that needs repairs."

Tell snorted and had her hands on her hips, defying anyone to prove her wrong. "Nothing wrong with my engine. She's running sweet at 100%; she's perfect. Only overhauled her a few days ago and there is not even a ..."

Ro' held the woman's gaze and repeated slowly and deliberately, "I understand we have developed a minor engine issue that needs repairs."

Tell realised what Ro' was going on about and stopped defending her engine. "Well, there is that squeak I've been meaning to fix for a long time. Probably a faulty valve and we would need to dock into a Starbase for repairs impossible to do it here of course." Tell smirked.

Ro' nodded, "ToH! Air, where is the nearest allied Starbase?"

Bruce Air was slightly quicker on the uptake, "Deep Space 14?"

Ro' nodded, "Then set course for Deep Space 14 and inform them that we will need to dock to conduct repairs before our trip into Romulan Space."

He sat back in his chair, "Make sure you tell them that, while we are there, our crew will be occupied fully on the repairs and unable to secure the gantry way against possible stowaways looking for cures to any disease."

"Aye, sir!" Bruce smiled and made arrangements.