Database: Command Requirements

A bit like parenting, any one can do it, but not everyone can do it well.

Obviously there are a few things you need; A concept, a site and players.

At Ulysses one of the main themes is the desire to tell a story. There needs to be something interesting and exciting in a concept. I would like to see any new CO come in with a story they want to tell. Preferably this should include a set of 3-6 missions showing how the story will progress. I do not mind how many players you have (provided there is writing happening, see the topic on activity), but I would like to see at least one new player from outside the fleet for every new SIMM added.

Once you have met these easy criteria, you would be added to the docking for Prometheus Station for others to visit and see. A command character should be assigned to your ship from Ulysses so you have someone who you can go to for reports/orders/help, etc. There are currently three Admirals, though Admiral Vloc Cann is the most commonly used and active.

As a Commander you will also be required to log flight plans and field reports. Before commencing a mission, tell your command representative where you are going and what you mission plan is. When you have completed it, report on the mission to your commander, with particular attention to any details that might be an asset to the wider fleet (a new planet, or race, new technology, an important political development, etc). The Command staff will support you with mission ideas and suggestions (generated from mission reports from you and others) and access to a wide pool of like minded players in other SIMMulations.

Let us use the first new SIMM application, the IKC LInDab (now retired), to review the Command requirements:

Once the remaining two requirements are met, she will be added to the list of Simms on this forum and on the Prometheus Docking Ring. From there players may visit other sites and read what is happening.

Leaving the Fleet: If for any reason you wish to be removed form the fleet this can be done with no issue. Your registration on the Forums will be cancelled and the link to your ship removed. The command staff may remove SIMMs it feels are unable to comply with Ulysses Standards (such as the Cannon requirements, activity levels, etc). This is simply to maintain the community of people who are committed to building the fleet in the same direction, and is a last resort.

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