What was THAT all about

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Title   What was THAT all about
Category   Simm Announcement
Author   HoD Ro' Matlh
Posted   Tue Aug 02, 2011 @ 3:39am

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Hey all,
It seems the recent visitation by CoQ has got some people worried. Let me say a few things Categorically.
1) No one is being asked to leave the SIMM. I like all of you and am happy with your involvement.
2) The SIMM is NOT shutting down, but we are approaching the Season 1 Finale/Big reveal.

Have a look at the following Youtube to give you a bit of an insight into what is happening:

Basically, each of you has been approached individually by CoQ. He intends to eliminate all support for his sister Haqtaj and then have her killed. This means shutting down House Matlh's fleet. However, Ro' is such a legend that this will be very difficult to manage. He is hopping to find a way of working it without coming into conflict with his Uncle who he really does have huge respect for.

I wanted each of you to respond without knowing what others were doing (so you would do so honestly form your character's point of view.

I am already designing episodes for Season 2 including Old Favourites and new villains. Also looking at bringing Jared back into the action a bit more.

Thank you to those who have been asking questions., It shows me you care enough to be involved. Rest assured, the FHew WILL continue!