Lest we forget... – Heading off
by HoD Ro' Matlh & Eredh Hay'legh & Soghla' HIchop Matlh & Sogh HoS Matlh & Sogh Marla Varquis & Soghla' Jared & Soghla' Terri (Tell) Hope & Soghla' Marie St. Helene & Ne' Leah Vien

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Title   Heading off
Mission   Lest we forget...
Author(s)   HoD Ro' Matlh & Eredh Hay'legh & Soghla' HIchop Matlh & Sogh HoS Matlh & Sogh Marla Varquis & Soghla' Jared & Soghla' Terri (Tell) Hope & Soghla' Marie St. Helene & Ne' Leah Vien
Posted   Fri Jul 23, 2010 @ 12:04am
Location   Bridge
Timeline   12:00 hours
Ro' smelt... well, if not good, at least not as bad as normal. He had tried Tell's shower thing and found it remarkably refreshing. He had issued an unusual concoction for the crew to drink and it had removed most of the hangover traces that many had been suffering. the only exception was 'Iw'a'na' who was still groaning in Sick Bay and Jared who should no ill effects from the previous night what-so-ever.

He had assembled the command crew on the bridge and was explaining the situation to them.

“It seems we have found a stash of abandoned ships and weapons that the Romulans and Federation both want. I intend to get there first and claim them for House Matlh. Does anyone here have a problem with that?”

He allowed his eyes to play over his first officer and the human members of the crew.

“Maj [Good]!’ He continued. “Leah, set course for the coordinates Jared has provided. You can sort out the mess hall in transit. Hay’legh, engage at maximum warp. HoS, I want our tactical systems at peak. We don’t know anything about what we will find there. Apparently our up to date intelligence is over two thousand years old. Jared, see what you can do about getting us more up to date information with the sensors. Marla, I need the Cloak working with no glitches. Tell, get me everything you can out of our engines. Speed is important. And fix that damned light in the hold. Marie, clear whatever space you can for us to store equipment in case we have to do a raid and run. HIchop, check the gear in the weapons locker. I want the away team equipped for anything.Yaj'a' [Understood]? Ha' [Make it happen]!”

“What sort of space requirements do you envisage?” Marie asked.

Ro' looked at his quartermaster with a frown, "What do you mean?"

“I mean,” Marie explained with ill grace, “are we talking whole ships; bits and pieces; complete sections; what?”

Ro' understood, "I am hopping to tow any ship we find, but it may be there is only salvagable wreckage or some goods on the planet. We cannot be sure till we arrive. That is why I want as much space as possible. When we get there it will be your job to prioritise and decide what items will be of the greatest value for their size. Jared may be able to tell you more, but I doubt it."

"There will be more salvage than we can fit in the hold," Jared said from the science station, "so it's probably just a matter of how much can we carry. I suspect some of the vessels might even be able to travel under their own power, with a little work."

He was working fast, and there was an unusual intensity about him. The sensors were going to need some quite specific reconfigurations. Then he'd need to tweak the cloak a little and... there was lots to be done...

'Fix the dam light in the cargo hold' Tell mumbled as she went out.'The dam lights keep blowing in the cargo hold' she was sick to the teeth of the dam lights in the cargo hold. She had checked them out so many times there was nothing wrong with the relays so why did they keep blowing. Did they have a gremlin on board this rust bucket or something. If they did and if she ever caught it ......

Tells mood continued to the cargo hold were she shouted out to no one in particula "What is it with you, you old witch of a ship have you got something against me?" but as the ship didn't answer back Tell just had to get on with the job, besides she would have been more worried if the old witch had answered back.