Lest we forget... – Well That's Different 2
by Soghla' Marie St. Helene & Soghla' Terri (Tell) Hope

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Title   Well That's Different 2
Mission   Lest we forget...
Author(s)   Soghla' Marie St. Helene & Soghla' Terri (Tell) Hope
Posted   Thu Aug 19, 2010 @ 2:48am
Location   Crawl space, IKS F'Hew
Marie wasn’t about to find out whether spider or crab won out in the evolutionary stakes. She reached out her foot to crush it but, at that moment, it moved. All Marie achieved was to flick it at Hope.

Marie scuttled down the corridor towards what was left of the skeleton. Undoubtedly Hope would try to get rid of the thing and Marie wanted to be nowhere near when she did.

The spider looked at Tell almost expectantly, waiting as if deciding what to do next. If it could have turned its head from side to side questioningly she thought it would have but as it didn't have a head well... Then two eyes extending slightly on stalks suddenly appeared glancing at her and then turning on its clicking legs looked at Marie and then back to Tell unsure of who to bite first, snapping its pincher's as if licking its lips.

"It's much weaker, it'll die soon, any time now..." said Tell backing off as quickly as she could because the spider had decided that she was to be the one and had started to head towards her. The engineers head collided with the bulkhead which halted her retreat the spider was so close and almost touching the toe of her boot.

"And this is were the fun starts Marie" said Tell "It should be dead by now, die damn you die"

Tell kept very still as the spider crawled slowly up her leg, its pincher's were held slightly up away from its body. She could feel its spindly legs through her clothe's as it inched its way on her vest towards her neck.

"I hate creepy crawlies," She looked over at Marie. "If you are going to do something, do it now!" she pleaded.

Where she was, there was absolutely nothing Marie could do. Firing a phaser would mean blowing a hole in Hope’s leg. Whatever the spider thing might be going to do, there was no way Marie could get Hope back down the crawl space before blood loss became catastrophic. Even then, that was assuming the spider didn’t go for her after having feasted on Hope. All she could do was pray for the best – that being that, having bitten Hope, the spider wouldn’t come for her.

Tell's survival instincts took over and she brushed the spider away from her uttering a 'BLEUGH' as she did so. Unfortunately she wasn't quite quick enough. The spider managed to nip her right wrist just below the thumb and barely missing the main artery. It hung there for quite a few seconds, clinging on despite Tell's cries and best efforts to shake it loose. It eventually let go and landed on its back in the narrow confines of the crawl space, where it gave one final short convulsive twitch then lay there unmoving.

The engineer panted as though she had been running and wiped away a small trickle of blood that ran down her arm. Tell's breathing came out hard and fast.

"Its dead. Told you it would die," she said matter of factly but couldn't betray the fear in her voice. She was feeling no side affects but she took another reading of the creature. "Yep, it's dead. Lets give this to Hichop, see what he makes of it and then he'll probably turn it into crab pate or mornay for the Klingons evening meal. Though I wouldn't suggest we eat it."

“You’ll get no argument from me there,” Marie replied.

"Moving on," replied Tell, "let's put a coin in the meter and get the lights switched back on. I have had enough of being in the dark. What do you think Marie?"

“Sooner we’re out of here, the better. Who knows how many of those things are lurking.”