Lest we forget... – Insertion
by HoD Ro' Matlh & Soghla' Terri (Tell) Hope & Soghla' Jared

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Title   Insertion
Mission   Lest we forget...
Author(s)   HoD Ro' Matlh & Soghla' Terri (Tell) Hope & Soghla' Jared
Posted   Wed Oct 06, 2010 @ 8:30pm
Location   Inside the facility
Timeline   60 min to sunset
Ro' was on point, then Tell, and the Beq brought up the rear. Tell's suit was giving her direct feed informationa bout the things around her, translating information on the display into English for her via the cerebral link in the suit.

They came to a security door but, when tell walked up to a panel beside the door, it obligingly slid open. Ro' ducked hi head around and pulled back suddenly as a rattle of machine gun fire pelted the wall behind where he was. He nodded to the Beq signalling with his fingers. The pair rolled into the corridor and fired twice each. There was a suppter and an explosion and tell peered around to see the wreckage of two roof mounted autosentries trying to pull back into the roof.

-Hold your Position-
-...can't get a clean target...-
-...Casters empty...-
-Move forward. Stay in formation.-
-...taking hits...-
-Hold your Position-

They reached a stairwell leading up. Tell checked a directory plaque on the wall next to it and then gestured for them to ascend.

-Hold your Position-
-...can't get a clean target...-
-...Casters empty...-
-Confirm Contact?-
-...taking hits...-

They reached the top of the stairwell, where the suit allowed them through another doorway. Tell checked another directory on the other side of the door, after the Klingons had dealt with the defences, and then lead them along a corridor.

-Hold your Position-
-We have movemnt in the Complex-
-...can't get a clean target...-
-...Casters empty...-
-All units, regroup!-

Something on Tell's HUD blipped orange for a second and she thought she saw movement out ot the corner of her eye, but when she swet her gun over the corridor it was empty and teh weapon found no locks.

-...taking hits...-

They reached a row of windows looked on to what looked like some sort of administrative office area. They could see piles of clothes littered around inside - not uniforms but civilian clothes. The door to the office area was open and they moved through. Tell saw a movement, as if there was something trying to stay behind cover of the desks and not be seen.

-Who goes there?-
-Hold your Position-
-We're moving-
-...can't get a clean target...-
-I said, who goes there?-
-Tell, I said we're moving!-
-...Casters empty...-
-Identify yourself!-
-Tell, What is it?-
-...taking hits...-

"Did you see that?" Tell asked pointing "There's someone over there in the corner"

Tell swung round suddenly people were racing past her. Where on earth had they come from. She shook her head as a wave of dizziness swept over her. This can't be right she thought, I'm not supposed to be here.
"Tell" she replied to the persistent voice "I'm Tell who are you? Where am I? And what's happening here?, Where's Ro' and the Beq?"
Her heartbeat quickened and her hands reached out to grab some one as they were running past her. At first they felt neither here nor there more like cold vapour drifting between her finger tips.

Ro' was moving towards the one enclosed office area while the Beq was trying to get Tell's attention. Ro' suddenly started opening fire into the office space. At the same moment a figure wearing the light armour of the assault teams stepped from behind a cabinet and aimed a weapon at the Beq's back. The HUD on Tell's suit flashed warnings and tried to auto lock her weapon.


Tell had no choice but to fire on the target or she would risk being hit and killed herself. The explosion sent spikes of fire all around her and knocked her sideways into some rubble. She knew she had to protect the civilians, they had to get away from here. A small knot of tension at the base of her skull tried to remind her that what she was seeing wasn't right. That it was an hallucination, a sensor ghost they called it. She should ignore and find Ro', concentrate on Ro and the Beq.

Some one reached out to her, a young girl no more than fourteen in tattered clothing. "Soldier help us. Where do we go?" she pleaded

Expectant eyes turned to her what was she supposed to tell them? She heard a voice over the comm.

"Were losing ground. We have to retreat. Repeat, were losing ground. We have to retreat"

The scene was changing around her and she swallowed nervously. Tell had never been in battle before and what she was seeing terrified her. There was so much death here and so much destruction.

Another suited figure appeared next to her, "We've got to move; try and reinforce the main doors."

A second apeared, "Negative! The Weapon chamber is our top priority. We should fall back to there."

Both suits looked to her, "What are your orders, sir."

Somewhere in the back of her mind, the part of her that helped her on the Cygnet whispered, 'What would Ro' do?'

Tell swallowed hard and bit down on her bottom lip. She gave the order.