Operation Foxtrot Uniform – Kit up, Move out!
by HoD Ro' Matlh & Eredh Hay'legh & Soghla' Jared & Soghla' HIchop Matlh & Sogh Marla Varquis & Soghla' Terri (Tell) Hope & Ne' Leah Vien & Soghla' Marie St. Helene

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Title   Kit up, Move out!
Mission   Operation Foxtrot Uniform
Author(s)   HoD Ro' Matlh & Eredh Hay'legh & Soghla' Jared & Soghla' HIchop Matlh & Sogh Marla Varquis & Soghla' Terri (Tell) Hope & Ne' Leah Vien & Soghla' Marie St. Helene
Posted   Sun Nov 21, 2010 @ 11:52pm
Location   FHew Mess Hall
Timeline   While docked at Matlh Shipyard
Ro' strode into the Mess. He had summoned the whole crew and this was the only real place they could all gather. He took a moment to do a head count before starting.

"Listen up! We have our next mission, and I know it is one we are all going to like. I understand there are a few of you disappointed that you didn't get the chance to die alongside Hegrup and HoS. You may get your chance at glorious death now."

"JechwI' is an arms trader for House matlh and one of CoQ Matlh's personnal staff. He has been in the Peloc Rot system for three months now, dealing with political dissidents on the verge of an all out war. It seems the war came earlier than expected and he was caught on the surface of the second planet. CoQ does not believe house Matlh has the resources to spare to effect a recovery. I am inclined to disagree. I have not discussed this with Haqtaj, as she would never challenge her brother's decision, so we are going to do this on our own merits."

"The plan is simple. We go to the second planet in the Peloc Rot system, locate JechwI', land an assault team to recover him, and get out. I for one want the people responsible to have a clear message that it was us who did it. As such I am authorising the use of excessive force. No knives unless you are carving your name into a dead commander's chest."

"We have two and a half hours before we are fully fueled. Here are your tasks."

"Haylegh, you are on helm. Ugrade the RCS, fix the SIF, swap ut the IDF, I don't care. I want this ship to be able to turn on a Mat'leth point."

"Jared, you know what I need done. Get the tactics station manned and fully opperational. Talk to the ground crew about restocking the torpedoes."

"Umm... sure."

Jared swallowed. Of course. Replace the tactics officer. Easy!

"HIchop, you will be with the team that does the extraction in case JechwI' is injured. Get to gether whatever field kit you can and report to the armoury for the biggest gun they have."

"Marla, yu are temporarily in charge of the Armoury. I want it stocked with enough fire power to win the petty war on Peloc Rot II, and I want each person assigned a weapon. Understood?"

"Aye Aye, sir!"

"Tell, get one of the Nephilim in the hold working. I don't care what you have to strip for parts. Get a list to Marie of anything you can't salvage. You will be in charge of piloting the battle suit when we land. and fix the light in the Hold while you are there."

"Aye Cap'n" She had been waiting for a chance to work on the suits that they had brought back with them since they came back from Miletus. Good job she stocked up on equipment and supplies. As for the bloody light in the Hold, if Ro' saw her right eye twitch he didn't say anything. "I'm on it."

"Leah, the Peloc Rot have starships as well as Surface-to-Orbit defences. I want you to learn everything you can and start mapping approach vectors."

"Marie, restock our food and water rations as well as whatever that Federation Replicator need to run. Without a cook we will be making do until someone volunteers. Also, get me any ordinance the station can spare. i expect to be blowing a lot of things up."

“Already on to the food supplies. I went...I think the word is shopping. The ordinance will take a bit longer unless you have some names of reputable traders...?”

Ro' responded, "This is a House Matlh installation. Everyone here is reputable, especially when you tell them who sent you."

"Yeah...well," Marie replied, unconvinced. She had to admit though that a bit of unsubtle name dropping hadn't hurt her cause. The shoppng had gone easier when suppliers found out she was stocking the FHew. Most of the crew seemed to have awe and respect for the one they called "Uncle Ro'".

"Marines, I want you preped and ready for infiltration and beach head manouvers. This is what you are signed on for. The rest of you, Check every ship system till it sings. My normal kind hearted leniance at lax maintenace will not extend to wrok conducted today. Any questions?"