Operation Foxtrot Uniform – Extraction
by HoD Ro' Matlh & Soghla' Jared & Ne' Leah Vien & Soghla' Terri (Tell) Hope & Soghla' Marie St. Helene & Eredh Hay'legh & Soghla' HIchop Matlh & Sogh Marla Varquis

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Title   Extraction
Mission   Operation Foxtrot Uniform
Author(s)   HoD Ro' Matlh & Soghla' Jared & Ne' Leah Vien & Soghla' Terri (Tell) Hope & Soghla' Marie St. Helene & Eredh Hay'legh & Soghla' HIchop Matlh & Sogh Marla Varquis
Posted   Mon Jan 03, 2011 @ 2:12am
Location   LZ
An alarm sounded drawing Marie's attention to the small monitor in her hands. The perimeter sensors were picking up life forms moving in. It was a small team moving slowly. They probably hadn't been seen and with any luck the patrol would pass to the south of them.

That's torn it, Marie thought.

Tells eyes, instantly alert, scanned the area for movement at first she could see nothing. Instruments on her suit were picking up life forms .

,'. All teams to fall back to the LZ for immediate pickup. ,'.

More figures appeared on Marie's monitor. To the east were three Klingons, probably May'bel's team. They, too, were being followed by a number of human signatures, but as she watched the numbers began to decrease.

To the west, the monitor showed a larger group. Three Klingons and a human. Or is it two humans and two Klingons? Probably Marla, but who's the fourth person. Damn this Klingon equipment!

Marie knocked the monitor to see if it could give better readings. It was a useless gesture - she knew that - but it made her feel slightly better. At least it allowed her to vent a bit of frustration.

Leah kept her pace with Marla as it was hard enough to make a run with the moist air and soggy ground. They took pot shots back at the darkness behind them but it was more a hopeful, if not useless, gesture to add some cover fire.

Suddenly a cry of agrivation and pain came from behind them as their Klingon package dropped and cluched his leg.

"Dammit!" cried Leah "Marla grab his other arm" Leah took one arm and when Marla grabbed the other they half walked and half grabbed the Klingon back. He was heavy and made providing any cover fire near useless. The Klingon marine 'Iw'a'na' provided what cover he could for them but one against many was a difficult thing. Leah grabbed the com badge from her belt

,'. This is Leah. We got him but unless you want to drag all three of us in we need some cover fire right -,'.

The connection was broken as they all crumpled to the ground from a rather intense shockwave blast.

Disruptor fire drew Tell's attention to the west. She could make out flashes from amongst the swamp foliage around the Warehouse. Looks like Leah and Marla's team was coming in hot.

Suddenly a section of the ground near them errupted in flame. Tell glanced up and the Nephilim sensors narrowed in on three ships moving in fast. The lead one was definitely the FHew, followed by a pair of interceptor fighters. They probably wouldn't damage the ship, but stray fire was hitting the ground, and that could be serious. The shoulder mounted rocket launchers were trying to decide which of the three spinning, veering ships it should be targetting.

Tell's eagle sharp eyes followed the three ships and took precise aim and fired on one of the fighters. There was a slight kick back in her shoulder but the suit compensated for it. She watched with great satisfaction as a volley of rockets, their white plume trail of smoke following, headed towards the end of it trajectory. It exploded within a satisfying cloud of fire and ash. A smile of pleasure appeared on Tells lips.

"Yes and another one bites the dust." She declared "I make that two up on you now Marie."

May'bel came flying over the low wall to the east followed by Ru'fimohp, and HIchop. May'bel grinned as he heard Tell's boast. He glanced to the others, "Cha'maH Soch, ghobe?"

"Cha'maH chorgh," the others replied in unison.

"We are at twenty eight," he grinned.

Marie saw that the patrol to the south was attracted by the weapon fire and moving towards them. She pulled out her disrupter and checked the setting. Then she had another look at the monitor. She still couldn't tell if the party was friendly or hostile but, on this planet, she wasn't taking any chances. A thought occured to her. Let's just hope the extra is our prey.

The group to the south started out fan out and take cover. Marie suddenly felt a little exposed in this open area with only Tell's Nephilim to hide behind.

Tells instinct kicked in and she let loose another rocket at the other fighters. It narrowly missed a wing tip on the FHew but instead clipped that of the other attacker so that it spiralled out of control. She watched it as it hit the ground with intense pleasure. Turned and took aim on another target. She liked this suit ... a lot.

The rotary cannons on the suit began to spew solid projectiles to the south, tearing through the flimsy concrete walling that the patrol was hiding behind. The little dots on Marie's monitor began to wink out, or fall back.

Ma'ybel, HIchop and Ru'fimohp kept up a constant barage of disruptor fire, with Ru'fimohp using something more like a disruptor cannon to take out larger structures. They were keeping those to the east at bay. Marie glanced at the small group of signals to the west. They were moving slowly, too slowly...

Leah pulled herself up from the prone position just under another shot from the dark and quickly enough rolled over on her stomach firing out a series of disruptor shots. 'Iw'a'na' was nowhere to be seen. She looked back up at Marla.

"You have the strength to get him back more than I and their aim is getting sharper, drag him back to the ship I am right behind you." Leah spouted seeing another shot scar the concrete pad they had just reached back on. She cursed and sent out another series of shots but knew she would only have a few left given the power drain on the weapon.

Seeing Marla jump up and start dragging a body along, Marie starting giving covering fire. It was only random bursts – designed not so much to take out hostiles as to keep their heads down. Marla moved agonisingly slowly but Marie held her ground. She still felt horribly exposed but she knew that if Marla returned safely they could both look after each other’s back.

Then Leah stopped firing for some unknown reason and all hell broke loose around Marie. What I’d give now for one of those bike things or a suit like Leah. But the bikes lacked power and the weapons hadn’t proven to be what she’d thought. And she wasn’t about to jump back into a suit after the last experience. She’d just have to make do with what she had – a couple of disruptors.

She kept the disruptor fire up while silently willing Marla along. The half-Klingon woman was staggering under the weight but somehow she kept moving, slowly inching across the no-man’s land to where Marie stood.

A bolt from one of the ships strafing the ground rocked Marla, nearly toppling her over. The woman staggered then righted herself.

Leah could vaguely make out, four maybe five different positions. Suddenly an explosion errupted amongst them taking out at least three. A moment later there was a scream cut short and then the last person began firing in all directions and pulling back. 'Iw'a'na' appeared from the foliage, bloody mak'leth in hand.

"I have bought us some time, but my disruptor is gone. Let's move!"

There seemed to be a lull in the firing from the hostiles, despite Marla’s near fall. Marie took the opportunity to re-check her monitor. To her surprise, the hostiles were pulling back but.... She whirled round. New enemies had somehow managed to sneak up behind and whoever was meant to be covering her back had missed them. She fired blindly. Only after the second shot had been loosed did she realise that the dirty, ragged uniforms were familiar. She watched, dismayed, as one of them pitched forward.

Fool...! Idiot...! She drew a deep breath. No time to worry about it now, the damage is done.

Something on the monitor drew her attention. The hostiles were re-grouping. Maybe they’ve found a hollow to crawl into or some sort of cover to hide behind. If I can flush them out, maybe I can make up for that piece of trigger-happy stupidity.

She bolted off across no-man’s land, taking a jagged pattern to hopefully avoid the still strafing vessels.

She reached Marla, coughing and spluttering from the dust and dirt kicked up by the strafing but with no injuries that she was aware of.

Leah saw the break in fire from the distance and got up to make an all out run back to catch up, shoving the disrupter in it's holster. It wasn't long before she had caught back up with the group now huddled together and insides the boundaries of the LZ.

Tell brought up the other 'enhanced additions' on the suit but with out the music this time. She fired taking down one and then another in quick succession. She had to protect the others that was her main concern. Still it didn't stop her from counting her hits.

The HUD on her suit swaped displays form flame throwers to rockets to rotary cannons and a few other weaposns systems that she still hasdn't manage to get working. Each held a display of available ammunition, and each display was begingin to kick dangerously low.

Three was a roar as the B'rel dropped in over them and landed with a slight skid that made the legs groan and Tell wince. The instant the Cargo bay doors began to open all groups began to fall back inside, with Tell coming last, backing in and still firing.