In the belly of the Whale – Hideki Class
by HoD Ro' Matlh & Eredh Hay'legh & Sogh HoS Matlh & Soghla' Jared

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Title   Hideki Class
Mission   In the belly of the Whale
Author(s)   HoD Ro' Matlh & Eredh Hay'legh & Sogh HoS Matlh & Soghla' Jared
Posted   Thu Feb 25, 2010 @ 4:12am
Location   Bridge
Timeline   Evening 1
Tag   Hay'legh, Jared, HoS
Ro' leapt the last few rungs landing with a clang on the metal floor. Clang quickly picked himself up and moved out of the way as Hay'legh, Hos and Jared followed behind. They went through the port doors to the bridge. Jared moves to replace the Klingon manning the Sensor station at the back of the room while HoS and Hay'legh take up position standing behind Ro's shoulders. The communications officer turns to face them.

Ro' bellows, "Report!"

"Long range sensors have detected a Hideki class fighter on intercept course. They hailed us demanding we hand over what we are carrying."

Ro' looked at Hay'legh, "What is the Hideki speed compared to ours?"

Hay'Legh looked down at Ro'. "We cannot out run them in straight flight. Even if we can get the F'Hew's aged engines to their therotical maximum speed of warp 7, the Hideki will still over take us. They are capable of speeds greater than warp 9." The Rihannsu then looked back at the screen. "I would have thought that running would not be one of your options."

"I would have thought that a Helmsman would be wanting a chance to proove their skills," Ro' retorted, "Jared, What are we carrying the Cardassians might want?"

"Not very much," the science officer replied. "Klingon and a little Federation technology they've almost certainly already got the blueprints for. Some basic stores of Dilithium & Deuterium. Not much worth risking a fight."

"Unless of course they're after personnel. We've got two Diplomats, a Romulan operative, a crew who probably have a bunch of enemies, and a science officer who might just remember the operating principles of the Rathoka Starkiller warhead."

"What is our range to target?"

"6,000 kelica... 3,000km"

Ro' smiled, "Then, HoS, please give them our answer."

HoS flexed his fingers until there was an audible crack. "How much do they value their bridge, Captain?"

HoS strode purposefully to the weapons control where his big brutish fingers punched the co-ordinates into the photon torpedo manifold. With a flash of white teeth at Ro', his finger hovered briefly over the button before he hit it hard.

"I sent it priority mail, Sir". Saliva drooled down his chin as he laughed.

The single photon caught the Cardasian ship right in her forward section. "Enemy shields failed, Moderate damage to forward section. They are returning fire!"

Ro' bellowed, "Shields!"

There was a jolt as the ship rocked. "Shields holding, minimal damage to outer hull."

Ro' growled, "I expected them to run, they are no match for us. Good. Finish them."

HoS oblidged in a stream of Disruptor fire that ended the Hideki craft as a plume of flame.

Ro' harumphed and looked at the bridge crew, "There is teh glory to be had. Taking pot shots at weak Cardassian pirates. Back to your posts, or the party. I have lost my stomach for celebrations."