Blood Reckoning – Message from Home
by HoD Ro' Matlh & Sogh Marla Varquis

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Title   Message from Home
Mission   Blood Reckoning
Author(s)   HoD Ro' Matlh & Sogh Marla Varquis
Posted   Mon Apr 18, 2011 @ 5:30pm
Location   Marla's Quarters
Ro' knocked at Marla's door. The door was open, and normally he just waltzed in whenever he flet, not that it was a common occurance. This forced civility was unsettling.

"Lagh, I have a message for you." he said simply. "It is from the administration centre of your homeworld."

It was not uncommon for all messages to be vetted by the Captain or XO during missions to maintain security and a modicum of control over the crew. With Hay'legh of on her own it would be Ro's who monitored any comunique. He seemed bothered though.

Marla looked at Ro' "What is it?"

Ro' hesitated then stepped into the room and closed the door behind him. He handed Marla a data chip for the comm screen that she and Tell had built and put in the room.

Marla put the chip in the computer, and watched. A Klingon appeared on the screen.

"Marla Varquis, I have been authorized to inform you that your father, Jare Varquis, is dead. He was found to have been stabbed by another. I am sorry."

The Klingon on the screen disappeared, and Marla sat there speechless. Her father was dead?

Ro' just watched Marla in silence, "I am sorry for your loss. I knew Jare, and I knew Varquis before him. Varquis was a brave warrior and Jare gave up much for the love of you and your mother. I took you on as a favour to House Varquis, at Jare's personal request."

"I have ordered a course to be set for your home world. I understand he is to be intered with your mother, a legacy request of hers. Why humans have such a fascination with dead things I will never underst..."

He stoped, realising the heritage of the person he was talking to. "ToH! We will be underway in a few minutes. I understand Human ritual dictates a period of mourning. You are relieved of active duty until we leave your system again."

Ro' turned and left closing the door behind her and leaving Marla to her grief.