Allegiances 4 – The way forward
by HoD Ro' Matlh & Soghla' Terri (Tell) Hope

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Title   The way forward
Mission   Allegiances 4
Author(s)   HoD Ro' Matlh & Soghla' Terri (Tell) Hope
Posted   Wed Aug 17, 2011 @ 11:47am
Location   A seedy space port
Timeline   After Tell's meeting with CoQ
Tell packed the last of her things in her back pack. Everything she had was in there and the only thing she was leaving was her uniform. She fingered it on the arm despite everything she had liked wearing it. It had given her curves and shape she hadn't had before. She let the sleeve drop and walked out of her quarters.

She was sick to death of the FHew, sick to death of being picked on and tired of battles. The episode with CoQ was the final straw that had broke the camels back so to speak. So while they were all partying, Tell would leave while no one was around to see her go, not even Marla. With any luck they won't find her gone till the morning.

Ships of all sorts were flying in and out of this Starport. Sooner or later one of them was going to need a qualified engineer. She wandered the general area looking for potential rides.

The first opportunity that caught her eye was a Morgath Mercenary freighter. She was badly beaten and the Morgathi owners seemed to be having a heated discussion about it. She wandered closer to listen.

"...DO pay well... enough to ... fix her up each time."

"Well, if you were a LITTLE less keen to get every credit worth out of our deals, we wouldn't get shot at."

"If we go back now, they won't even bother asking for ID they'll just blow us apart!"

"Three more shipments. That is all they're taking, and it is top pay rate."

"Even if I wanted to, and I DON'T, we need an engineer to fix the intermix assembly chamber before we can go anywhere. I am not going three days out without a decent intermix chamber. Where exactly are we going to find and engineer?"

If ever Tell needed a ride it was now and just at the right time too. She walked up to them. "I heard you need an engineer."

The two men almost leapt out of their skin, not having noticed her approach, "Maybe. You got any experience on Kelride casing intermix assemblies? Non of your fancy Federation stuff. What experience have you had?"

"I used to be the engineer on the FHew if that's what you mean." replied Tell hoping they wouldn't ask for a reference because she didn't feel that she would get one. "You must know that ship and it's Captain Ro' Matlh?"

"House Matlh?" One of them leapt on the name. "Perfect! See, she has had previous experience with them. She can get us back into the blockade."

He turned to tell, "We were delivering House Matlh weapons and supplies to the Red Army base. The place is sealed up tighter than a Bolians arse. They are almost fully supplied and ready to go, only taking three more shipments. We get top dollar if we can get one of those loads in."

Something in Tell's memory twigged. Illegally shipped house Matlh goods going to an unknown destination. This could be the source.

Damn it thought Tell out of the frying pan and back into the bloody fire. If it's not one thing its another. "When do you leave?" she asked

The Morgathi glanced at each other, "When can you have the assembly fixed?"