In the belly of the Whale – Galor Class
by HoD Ro' Matlh & Sogh HoS Matlh & Soghla' HIchop Matlh & Soghla' Terri (Tell) Hope & Sogh Marla Varquis & Soghla' Marie St. Helene & Soghla' Jared & Eredh Hay'legh

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Title   Galor Class
Mission   In the belly of the Whale
Author(s)   HoD Ro' Matlh & Sogh HoS Matlh & Soghla' HIchop Matlh & Soghla' Terri (Tell) Hope & Sogh Marla Varquis & Soghla' Marie St. Helene & Soghla' Jared & Eredh Hay'legh
Posted   Fri Mar 05, 2010 @ 12:49am
Location   Bridge, Romulan Border
Timeline   Day 2, after lunch
Tag   HoS, HIchop
Ro’ sat in his seat leaning away from his injured side. He must be getting old. If the human girl could get a knife in, a decent first officer should have tried to finish him off by now. Perhaps he was getting lax because he didn’t have a decent Klingon First Officer to contend with.

“What is our distance to Romulan space?” he asked.

Hay'Legh checked her console, and hoped that the thing was giving her the correct readings - it had been playing up of late. "We are 37,000 kicks out Captain."

Jared spoke, “Captain, we are picking up a vessel on long range scanners.”


“No, Cardasian.”

“Confirmed,” HoS added, “Galor class. She is moving to intercept.”

“We are being hailed,” reported Marla who was taking a turn at the Communications station.

“On screen.”

A Cardassian face appeared with its customary forced smile, “Captain Ro’! I am surprised to find you out this far. Haven’t you retired by now? Still old age does suit you well.”

Ro’ ground his teeth. The comment about old warriors was a hurt the Humans wouldn’t understand but the Klingons felt it. “Gul Iver. Age does NOT suit you. I assume you are not here to trade pleasantries.”

“Unfortunately not,” the Gul responded, his smile never faltering, “You have something that the Cardassian Government is VERY keen to recover. If you do so immediately, we may be considerate enough to be lenient in the matter of the destruction of a Cardassian vessel and all of her crew less than 24 hours ago.”

Ro’ barked a laugh, “You don’t really expect me to comply, do you?”

The Gul leaned forward, his eyes suddenly hungry, “Oh, no, Captain. I am hoping you will put up some futile resistance and we will be forced to cripple and board your ship. We will capture all of your crew and take them prisoner to be tortured and released back to the home world where they will die in shame and be remembered without honour. You have five minutes to hand over our property.”

The screen went dead.

"Good luck to him returning ME to my homeworld in disgrace," Jared said quietly. "Not sure if I even know where it is!"

Ro’ turned in his chair to the seven other officers on the bridge with him and said, “Options?”

Jared frowned.

"This has a... trapsy, tricksy feel to me. I'd recommend cloaking until we know what they're after and why. Might also be prudent, given they out-gun us quite badly in a head-to-head fight."

Marie turned from the control panel where she’d been running diagnostics on the transporter system. “I found some odd electronic components stashed away amongst the cargo. They’re not part of the inventory.” She turned to the First Officer. “Do you think that could be what they want, Eredh?” She was trying for a conciliatory tone but to her it sounded obsequious. Oh well, it’s said now.

"If they do, it would mean that the Cardassians have someone on board that put it there for them," Hay'Legh quickly replied. "And the only two strangers we have on board is a Rhiannsu Merchant and a Bajoran Diplomat...Or someone on 611 stowed it there before we left which would explain the bad packing."

Ro' barked, "Engaged the Cloak! I don't intend to hand over anything to that CardasianHom [lesser/weaker Cardasian]."

The FHew disappeared from sight and moved past the Galor, but as it did so the Glaor shifted position so it continued to face where the FHew was. Ro' stood up with a muffled oath. "They can still see us."

"We are being hailed again."

The Cardasian face apeared, smiling broadly, "You disapoint me again, Ro'. Running with you tail between your legs. Weapons, clip their tail for them."

The bridge shuddered and Ro' nearly lost his footing as a disruptor blast hit the rear part of the ship. Although the shields were down the rear is the most structurally protected part of the ship. Still the damage was extensive and in the hold the two diplomats were thrown around with the collection of scientific and spare medical equipment.

Ro' bellowed, "Raise shields!"

Normally the B'rel class cannot run with shields and Cloak, but one of Jared's little modifications was a power converter that enabled both systems to run simultaneously... provided you didn't mind the bridge being bathed in lethal radiation for the duration.

Jared took a reading as the device came on, "We have twenty minutes before fatal exposure."

Ro' was livid, "HoS, Hay'legh, keep us out of range of their weapons or find some way to neutralise their weapons."

“Ie, Rekkhai. Card'hassin ssaed dhat docgae fvah faerre lloannher,” Hay’Legh replied momentarily forgetting that she was supposed to speak in Fed.

"Jared, Marla, find out how they are targeting us and put a stop to it. Now!

Jared nods.

"Marla, I'm not reading much anomalous here! You got any faults in the cloak? Anything they might be keying onto?"

"I do not see any problems. Must be something else."

Jared shook his head.

"Whatever it is... it's not showing up on our sensors. I'm going to try some of the Federation stuff. Maybe we'll get lucky!"

He darted from the science station, and ran for the hold. The TiQ could move pretty quick when they needed to.

"Tell, HIchop, See to repairs and injuries in the hold."

Tell was in Engineering and would much rather have stayed there than see to the injured . 'On my way La, just make sure I have an engine room to come back to.'

"Marie, find out what it is they are after. If it is this device you are talking about then find out what it does."

Me? How the QI'yaH would I know? No point in saying so though, girl. Apply that brain of yours. Do what you can and hope it’s useful.

Qay’be’, la’”, she called over her shoulder. No problem. She raced for the ladder off the bridge.

OOC; HoS and HIchop have both got behind on studies meaning they have not been able to post on this, but that should not be disadvantaging the posts others have prepared, so I am posting it now. Please do include the in JP's coming up. Yes, Marie, you have a go!