Re-born – There is always Hope.
by Soghla' Terri (Tell) Hope

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Title   There is always Hope.
Mission   Re-born
Author(s)   Soghla' Terri (Tell) Hope
Posted   Tue Nov 29, 2011 @ 10:13pm
Location   Cargo Bay
It was Tells turn to watch the child. She wasn't sure about this and hadn't come into contact with children before now. The only child she ever really knew was herself. Tell had a good memory and it was long. Her own childhood had been happy, her four brothers had seen to that. Tells father had shown very little interest in her but that didn't mean to say he didn't care about her. Up until the accident in the mine she had only known happiness and laughter.

The engineer was waiting for her turn on duty to be with the girl in the cargo bay. It wasn't something she was going to relish doing but she had no choice.

Tell had kept herself busy over the last few hours and while she did so, she found her thoughts wandering back to when she was a little girl no older than Hope. So many memories some she hadn't come to terms with yet.

Suddenly she was not in the mood for this and decided that she had far to much to do. It was unfair of Ro' to ask her to take her turn along side of the others. Hadn't she got enough on her plate with out him adding one more thing. "Dammit!" Tell reached for a bag and started to put things inside it from all over the engine room, odd projects she had been working on. She may as well take something to do while she was there 'baby sitting'.

She wouldn't get close to the girl, that would be no good at all. There would be no point in being a friend when any second she could just turn on you and do her 'Borg' thing. They should have left her or better still spaced her when they had a chance to. For gods sake. The way some of the crew were reacting towards the child made Tell wonder if they would be turning into some soppy grey haired nannies.

Tell walked out of engineering and was about to walk into the cargo bay when she changed her mind and headed to her quarters instead muttering as she went.

A few minutes later she stood outside of the cargo bay hesitating to go in. What on earth was she going to say to the child? Various conversations went through her mind and for the first time in a very long time she felt uncertain. It would be so easy to walk away and let the rest of them get on with it.

The door suddenly opened to a dimly lit area. Marie saw Tell and after a short talk left her alone with the girl.

When Marie had left there was then just the two of them. She felt Hope's eyes on her straight away. As Tell looked at her she thought that Hope seemed alot smaller than she had looked on the bridge. The girl appeared vulnerable, weak and helpless. The complete opposite of what she could be in the near future if they couldn't get help for her soon.

Tell placed her bag down and walked over to the replicator when she came back she sat cross legged in front of the girl and gave her one of the bowls she had been carrying. "My favourite is chocolate ice cream." Tell told her. "So I thought you might like the same."

The two sat in companionable silence while they were eating, both really unsure of what to say to the other. The ice cream was extremely good and they both enjoyed it very much. A small smile appeared at the corners of Tells mouth because Hope had a ring of chocolate around her lips just as any other child would. If it hadn't been for the Borg implants she would just be an ordinary little girl and the FHew would be on a mercy mission to take her home. But that was just it she wasn't ordinary any more.

"So." began Tell "I am new to this baby sitting lark, not that you are a baby any more. I don't know what to do. What did the others do?"

For a minute Hope was reluctant to answer and Tell gave her time. Then she plucked up the courage. "They just talked and argued." she answered

"About what?"

"Getting me help, taking these Borg things out of me, they said some one would do that and that I'd be ok." but Hope hesitated before she said any more and Tell was patient. "I heard one of them say that if I was to try and assim... assim"


Hope nodded. "He said he would kill me."

"Well you know Hope we aren't used to having children around here and you have caused a bit of a stir. But would you rather know the truth or do you want us to lie to you and pretend that nothing is happening?"

Hopes silence told Tell the answer, sometimes the truth is hard to bear. Tell pulled the bag she had been carrying in front of her. What she took out of it was something very special to Tell that she had kept all her life. It was a reminder of who she once was and what she had lost. She handed it over to Hope.

"You must swear not to tell the others that this is mine. They will think I am going soft or something and I have a reputation to uphold. His name is Henry by the way and he was always there for me when I was very sad." Tell told her

Hope held the soft teddy bear to her as if it was the most precious thing she had been given and loved it instantly.

"Can I keep him?"

"Course you can he needs some one to take care of again."

From her bag Tell brought out different things for them to do together which ranged from puzzles and books to dance and music. They did it all and despite her initial misgivings Tell found she actually enjoyed being with Hope.

Just for a little while they were both able to escape the confines that life and its dangers had put on them. Just for a while they were solely two children laughing and and having fun together. There was a part of Tell that ached to its very core as she remembered things from her past she had long since forgotten.

As Hope grew tired Tell read to her an old Earth story about fairies, elves and goblins, magic forests and a faraway tree. Hope's eyes finally closed and Teli let the sentence fade on the air. Henry was still clutched in her arms and looking more happier than she had ever seen him for a long time.

Tell packed a few of her things away but left most of them for Hope to enjoy and play with. She quietly got up and was about to leave the cargo bay when a small tired voice asked.

"Will you come again?"

Tell turned back to her. "Yes, I'll see you later. Sleep well."