New Blood – Recruitment application
by HoD Ro' Matlh & Sogh Thor'nan Mal'Kor

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Title   Recruitment application
Mission   New Blood
Author(s)   HoD Ro' Matlh & Sogh Thor'nan Mal'Kor
Posted   Mon May 14, 2012 @ 1:34am
Location   House of Thor'nan, Son of Malkor
Timeline   Day 2 of 7
Two days had passed since the FHew had landed. Tomorrow was the day of the Rite of Ascension. Ro’ arrived at Thor’nan’s house unannounced.

"What is your business here? " asked the young man answering the door.

Ro’ gave a slight bow. He was not a ship’s captain here, but a guest, “I come seeking an audience with the head of the house.”

"Come in. I will announce you. " said the young Klingon. As if he had known, Thor'nan walked up to them.

"HoD. I was not expecting you until tomorrow. " he said.

Ro' held up his hand, "I am not a HoD here. I am Ro' of House Matlh, and this is a social call."

"Thank you, V'Rak. The HoD is my Commander; he is welcome in this house. " said Thor'nan. V'Rak nodded.

Ro' noticed the insistence of his rank, and smiled a little. For a human, he showed more deference and respect than many Klingons he had known. It must have been a trial, given his former employer.

Ro' followed Thor'nan back into the house, "I am here to ask about the arrangements for tomorrows events. Will it be a public show or family only?"

"You are welcome, of course, since you are considering him as an addition to the crew. Why do you ask? " asked Thor'nan.

Ro' looked troubled for a moment, "You know that the Rite of Ascension is not normally discussed with aliens. However, given the one who is undertaking it is..." Ro' floundered. Diplomacy was not his strong suit. Eventually he just carried on, "I was wondering if you would allow the human members of the FHew crew to attend also, including our new Doctor. I will not allow them to interfere, but if something should..."

Ro' floundered again. For a Klingon to fail the rite was a serious stain on them and their house. It was not unheard of for a child who faltered to die, and sometimes at the hands of their family as a penance for the failure. It was frowned upon, but not outlawed. How would this Human react should Tierk fail in the walk?

"I understand, HoD. And I know that normally aliens aren't allowed to witness the rite. But they are my shipmates, and they may become Tierk's shipmates. My father has already allowed this. " said Thor'nan.

Ro' suddenly brightened, as a new person entered the room, "This must be your mate."

"HoD. My mate, Enara. My Lady, this is HoD Ro' Matlh, my commanding officer. " said Thor'nan.

"HoD. We are honored to have you in our home. " said Enara, bowing her head in greeting.

Ro' returned the bow with a smile, "The honour is mine, Lady Enara. Thor'nan is a valiant warrior but his heart is always with his home. I am pleased to meet one who could hold his attention so well. Though if you both insist on calling me by my rank I shall think you wish me to return to my ship."

"Very well, Ro'. " said Thor'nan, clearly uncomfortable with doing so, but appreciative of the gesture.

"You are also preparing for a wedding, is that not so?"

"Speaking of which, where is the bride? " asked Enara.

Ro' looked questioningly at Thor'nan and then back to Enara, "Hasn't she been in contact? I have not seen her since we left the FHew. She took a communicator though. YOu can reach her on our frequency."

"Ro', I suggest we let the women plan the wedding. You and I have to prepare Tierk for that journey. " said Thor'nan.

Ro' held up his hands, I have not yet met the boy. I will not accept an invitation to his Kal'Haya that has been extracted from his father. I am sure you will be fine without me. This was a passing visit to see if yo needed help, and that all was still progressing well. I have yet to pay my respects to Mal'kor. I would be loath to do that twice. So good day to you both. I will see you tomorrow."

"Tierk would be honored to have a Klingon who is not of his house during the path to Kal'Haya. But the decision is yours, of course. " said Thor'nan.

Ro' was insistant, "The Road should be travelled with your trusted friends. Let you son grow to manhood and make his own decisions on who they are. He may not like me. I may not like him. Let that be an end of it. Till tomorrow." He nodded to them all and made for the door, thanking V'Rak as he passed.