Darkness Dawning – It would take a miricle or Girls night in, Ro' keep out.
by Soghla' Terri (Tell) Hope & Sogh Marla Varquis

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Title   It would take a miricle or Girls night in, Ro' keep out.
Mission   Darkness Dawning
Author(s)   Soghla' Terri (Tell) Hope & Sogh Marla Varquis
Posted   Wed Jun 06, 2012 @ 12:11am
Location   Engineering
Tag   Marla
Bored, bored, bored. BORED.

Tell stood with her arms folded across her chest wondering what to do next. The engine was running smoothly, thanks to the engineers on Qu'nos. All the repairs were up to date and she was ignoring the working light in the hold. She had played some music and sang even composed a new song. Now what.

A box of old bits and pieces had come her way while she was on the planet and with nothing else left to do she decided to look through it. It was mostly junk but she found a programme padd that seemed to contain some very old Earth films.

Phantom of the Opera, Babe, pig in the city, The hunchback of Notredam, The princess bride and something else she couldn't pronounce. Out of all of them the Princess Bride looked the most promising. She didn't want to watch it on her own and thought Marla might be interested.

;. Tell to Marla;.

;. Marla here, what is it Tell? ;.

;,I am bored and I was wondering if you would like to watch an old film with me before things start happening like they usually do.;. she asked her friend

Marla smiled ,'. I'll bring the food. Where would you like to meet? ,'.

;. Come to engineering. I'll rig up a screen or something don't tell anyone what we are doing, not even Ro'. You know what he is like for wanting to know whats going on.;.

,'. I'll be right there. ,'.

Marla picked up a few snacks on her way, and if anyone looked at her curiously, she gave them her best 'get out of my way' look. She made her way to Engineering, and met up with Tell.

Tell had duct taped an old white sheet to the bulk head and had managed to jury rig a mobile projector to show the film. Satisfied with what she had accomplished so far the engineer went to find some chairs.

A few minutes later everything was ready and Tell had replicated some drinks for them. Non alcholic of course after the Shebeen she doubted if she would ever drink again.

She turned when she heard a noise to find Marla walking down into engineering.

"I have food. What movie are we watching?"

"Theres this one." Tell suggested "Its very apt for you. Its called the Princess Bride. Oh and just out of interest what excuse did you give your beloved?"

"I kinda just snuck out when he wasn't looking."

Tell laughed at that and wondered what her new husband would say when he found out she wasn't there. "Have a look at what the films about. I saw it a long time ago its good, not Klingon, but still good."

She handed over the PADD to her friend.

Marla looked at it. It mentioned fighting and revenge, and that caught her interest. "Well, let's try it."

"I agree" Tell replied "Lets go for it."

Marla sat down, and waited on Tell to set up the movie. She took a bite of the earth food, popcorn, and made a face. "Tell, you can eat all the popcorn. I don't seem to be a fan of it."

"But its tradition" Tell told her "Here try this" and she handed over a bag of sweets that she had replicated. "Try the jelly snakes they are lovely. Later we can have ice cream."

Marla took a bite, and decided it wasn't as bad as popcorn. Then the movie began.

It was a dark screen, and the title appeared, but what threw Marla off was the fact that she heard old video game music, coughing, and then a boy playing a video game. To her, that did not look like what she had read the movie was about. The the boy's mother walked in, and Marla became even more comfused. "Is the movie all about a sick boy in bed playing video games?"

"No.. oops" said Tell as she had dropped a snake on the floor."Its just the beginning, you'll get to like it soon keep watching." Tell urged

Marla shrugged, but kept watching. Soon the grandfather walked in, and when he pinched the boys cheek, Marla commented. "If anyone had pinched my cheek at that age, they would be missing a hand."

Tell thought that might make an interesting addition to the film and just for the fun of it flicked a piece of popcorn at Marla.

Marla glared at Tell until she realized the playful smile on Tell's face. So, she threw a piece back at her.

They sat in silence for a while enjoying the film the only other sound that could be heard was the rustling of a bag and munching.

Next thing Marla knew was Westley and Buttercup were reaching for each other, and the grandfather was saying that they were about to kiss. Marla was about to ask if this was a kissing movie when the boy interrupted, and asked the question for her. So, Marla stopped. Maybe this was going to be a good movie, if they skipped all this. She was just curious as to when the fighting would start, but then again it seemed the boy was curious too.

"Are you enjoying it Marla?" Tell asked

"I don't know yet... Just looking for the action."

"Plenty of time for action Marla. You have to enjoy the build up to it first. Want some ice cream?" She asked

"Sure." As Tell handed her the ice cream, Marla watched the movie continue. Finally it got to a sword scene. Marla didn't understand why they didn't use something a bit stronger, but the design on the Spaniard's sword was a beautiful design. As the fight began, Marla started to get more interested.

"Enjoying it now?" she asked her friend

"A little... But I am still not sure about it. Why would this spaniard and the giant be following the orders of someone so short? Couldn't Fezzik just sit on him?"

"I suppose he could if he wanted to but then again it wouldn't make much of a story would it?"

"No, I guess not. That short man is annoying though..."

"We could probably do a lot better don't you think? Now wouldn't that be fun?


They sat in companionable silence for a while and Tell thought that they must do this more often. May as well leave the screen up, no point in taking it down when it could be used again.

"I'm sure I could make us a couple of those fancy blades." Tell told her "Shouldn't be to difficult."

"That would be nice, but do you think Ro' would approve?"

"Yes I don't see why not. He might even want to join in the fun. Oh this is a good bit coming up."

The man who had just defeated Inigo had just defeated the giant, and was chasing after the short man. There Vizzini was, waiting at a table. The man challanged him to a battle of wits. As Marla watched, she became confused.

"Nothing that man is saying makes any sense! How has he made his decision?"

"Well give this film is a bit like that. You have to keep watching it and keep an eye on the plot. Chocolate?"

Marla shook her head, and continued to watch the movie.

An hour or so later, the movie ended. Marla turned to Tell with a smile. "That was different."

"We should do this again. It was fun. See if you can fin us something to watch next time."

"I will do that."

Then Marla turned, and left Engineering to head back to her quarters.