Darkness Dawning – The Dark Clarion
by HoD Ro' Matlh & Soghla' Terri (Tell) Hope & Soghla' Jared & Soghla' Marie St. Helene & Sogh Thor'nan Mal'Kor & Sogh Marla Varquis & Ensign Jason Hawk & Soghla' HIchop Matlh & Sogh Germite Ephilom

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Title   The Dark Clarion
Mission   Darkness Dawning
Author(s)   HoD Ro' Matlh & Soghla' Terri (Tell) Hope & Soghla' Jared & Soghla' Marie St. Helene & Sogh Thor'nan Mal'Kor & Sogh Marla Varquis & Ensign Jason Hawk & Soghla' HIchop Matlh & Sogh Germite Ephilom
Posted   Thu Jun 14, 2012 @ 1:54am
Location   Bridge
Timeline   Two hours into Patrol
The bridge was quiet. Patrol tended to be mundane. The FHew wasn't even cloaked. The point was to be a presence in the area to remind would be trouble makers that the law still had eyes, ears and teeth. Unfortunately, it seemed that most of the trouble in the area took the threat seriously and stayed at home in bed.

Tierk and Marla were... sparring? Which is interesting, since the sparring room was being used by Thor'nan, May'bel and HIchop for training. Germite was mucking out the Targ pit, part of his initiation, apparently.

Cargo bay 1

Marie shoved yet another piece of useless junk aside. The pile around her was growing steadily bigger. Actually, there were two piles: one of things she hoped to sell off to some poor dupe; one which was beyond salvaging at any price.

The former was far, far smaller than the latter. Even by Marie's standards – and she was willing to offload anything if she could get latinum for it – it was woefully tiny.

It was truly amazing how much could accumulate in a very short period of time. She was sure she'd done this not six months ago. The hold was cluttered and she was having trouble stowing the goods she had purchased back on Qo'nos so something had to go. Still, she was reminded of her mother's definition of junk : something you hoard for years then need the day after you finally throw it out.

She reflected that maybe she'd overdone it a bit on Qo'nos but the prices had been good and who knew when she'd get an opportunity like that again. Markets as extensive and well stocked as those she'd visited did not crop up on just any old planet.

She picked up something which looked like it might have originated in Engineering back in a former life. She briefly considered asking Tell if she still needed it then decided against that option. If she asked about everything around her she'd still be here after this tour was ended. The FHew might not be exactly a hive of interesting activity but there were certainly better things to be doing than this. She pulled down an empty crate and started tossing things into it.

It would be better if this damned ship ran to proper replicators. Then I could just throw the lot down the nearest disposal chute. Ah well, no use in idle fancy, Marie. That's not about to happen. Just get on with it. The sooner you get it done the sooner you're out of here.


Jason stood at the helm, While Tell was at the engineering station. The new power distribution system had put the guidance thrusters out of alignment which meant the ship would list to one side if left unattended. Jared's station was manned by Cha'a'. SHe kept frowning and tapping a small red light Jared had added to the board. She didn't know what it did, but it kept flashing at her.

Ro' walked slowly onto the bridge and dropped into his chair. He had been drinking.

"Helm. Change heading: 320 mark 30. Cha'a', get Jared. We'll need him on sensors. We've just got a request from starfleet. One of their ships, USS Fallen, NX 97012, has gone missing during a test flight. We're being asked to go looking at it's last coordinates."

Tell was at his side before Ro' could blink. She hadn't heard anything from Maxx or Jamie and they were long overdue. "Missing?" she asked.

Ro' glanced at her. He knew why she asked, but was not about to have that conversation here on the bridge. Instead he asked levelly, "Did I stutter or slur my words?"

His look told her all she needed to know. "No Sir" and then Tell returned to her station and tried to concentrate on what she was doing. Missing she thought How could he be missing when I have only just found him again. She shook her head slowly replaying over to her self those hours she had spent on the Fallen. It had to be the new drive, it couldn't have been anything else. She rubbed her temples to ease the sudden tension she felt and tried to push away the thought that she might not see Jamie or for that fact Chris again.

Jason set the new course quickly then changed their direction. He didn't get the chance to acknowledge the order... not that he would have given the chance as he was to preoccupied with the 'conversation' he'd had with Admiral Cann.

Cargo bay 1

Marie felt a shudder run through the ship. She reached out desperately, all too aware of what was about to happen but she was too late. Her pile of junk slipped and overwhelmed her pile of tradeable goods. Now she had to start all over again. She cursed Ro' and Hawk in equal measure before begrudgingly resigning herself to her fate.

Targ Pit

Germite was in the targ pit. He was being a good sport about being the new guy on the ship. However, when he felt the ship turn, he decided that enough was enough. He climbed out and tossed his coveralls in a corner. He stepped though a quick shower and donned a fresh set of clothes, or at least as clean as clothes got on a 50 year old Klingon ship. He finally made his way back to sick bay to wait for the casualties that were sure to follow a change in course.


Jared walked onto the bridge looking...scruffled. It was pretty clear he'd been asleep, and was still partway there. He didn't complain though - the little man seemed to take most things in his stride somehow.

He pushed Cha'a' aside in a good-natured way, and tapped a few keys on the science station. Then he noticed the little red light.

He frowned at it. Then he flicked it a few times.

"That's weird."

He glanced over at Tell.

"Does anyone still use distropic power generation these days? Is that still a thing?"

Tell tried to recall anything that sounded remotely simalar. "Never heard of it." she replied

Jared shrugged, "Weird. I think the Miletians used it. Someone might be trying one of the old ships salvaged from Miletus. We should probably check that out, Captain. Sending coordinates through to helm now."

Ro' waved his hand vaguely, "This ship we're looking for is supposed to have experimental engines. They could well be the dysentery power generator. It is as good a place as any. After all this is over you can write a song about how bravely we faced the total absence of danger to the glory of the Klingon Lost-and-Found."

The crew could see it was a bad day for Ro' he was feeling the stagnant nature of his role badly, and had been drinking heavily. Last time it had been this bad he had attacked every member of the crew in single combat. Hopefully they would find something to distract him. but they were nowhere near any of the usual space lanes so the chance of unlucky pirates or the like was almost non-existent.

As they continued Ro's mood got blacker. At one point he left the bridge only to return with a bottle and drink it in the command chair. At the same time, The little light seemed somehow to be disrupting Jared's little cloud of clam. The blinking light became more insistent and brighter as time passed.

After around three hours they arrived at the coordinates that Jared had defined.

"Coming up on the coordinates." Jason said dryly.

Ro' turned to Jared, "Report! Is the ship hear or not?"

Jared didn't seem to hear. He was running scans and monitoring the response intently. Tell who was closest looked over his shoulder.

"According to these readings, there is nothing showing up in the area."

Jared looked again at the red light, "There is something here. I assume it's a cloaked ship."

"Why?" Cha'a' asked.

Jared looked at the flashing light again, and pointed at it.

"That's gotta be indicating something. It couldn't just be indicating open space. That makes no sense."

Ro' growled, tired of this, "Is there something there or not?"

Tell replied, "The sensors say we are sitting in empty space. Nothing here for light years in any direction."

Jason shook his head. "There's nothing, this is empty space...." He checked the records on his PADD. "Nothing for... as far back as I can see..." He said in amazement.

"I'm heading to engineering." Tell told them as she walked off the bridge. "Holler if you need me."

The ship juddered suddenly and the Red Alert Klaxon rang for all hands to battle stations.

Germite had felt the second course change and started to get curious. His curiosity reached its breaking point when the Red Alert went off. He looked around for a comm button, but didn't see one immediately. He left sick bay and walked to the bridge.

Jared was one of the first back to his station - the man's small stature and lack of armour made him lighter on his feet than most of the crew.

"Impact! Something hit us, and it's knocked us spinning!"

"Helm, All stop!" Ro' was clinging to the arms of his chair, "If we are in empty space, what did we just hit?"

"Bringing up the main viewscreen to see what... WOAH!"

The main view screen flickered to life, revealing... something... large.

It looked sort of like a ship - a very large ship. It was hard to say how large from that brief glimpse, given the design was unfamiliar, but it seemed to be taking up a great deal of the screen. It was angular, and ugly, with little sense of style or aesthetics - coloured largely dark grey, and with little in the way of visible lights or indications of power.

Ro' returned to his seat and quietly said, "Helm, back us away slowly. Marla, stand by on cloak. Tell, damage report."

"Some of the primary systems have had a bit of a jolt but were holding steady at 80%...damit make that 75%. Don't even ask, I'm working on it. We don't want another attack like that one otherwise we will then be a sitting duck. Shields are down to 60% but rerouting power, you should have more in a few minutes. Though I can't say how much more yet. Try not to get us ito anymore trouble."

Famous last words thought Tell. I'm in a ship with a bunch of scallywags trouble always seems to find us even when were not looking.

"Jared, what am I looking at"

"Sorry Captain, that thing's practically invisible on scanners. I'm only just starting to get readings from some of our active directional sensors. Length is... about three Kilometres, so she's a BIG girl! Doesn't match any ship in the database. Looks to be a warship from the armour and armament."

Ro' was watching the foe, looking for a weakness, "Are they powering weapons?"

Jared continued announcing readings, "Looks to have a bunch of secondary craft along her hull - possibly attack craft. She looks to be almost entirely powered down though. There's power on board, but few systems seem to be active. Engines are quiet. Actually... engines seem to have barely been used. There's barely any radiation from them."

Ro' ground his teeth. He rose form his seat and moved over to stand in the starboard rear area where Science, Operations and Computer control were managed by Jared, "Any signs that they have seen us yet?"

"Metal stress... I think she's VERY old, captain. Looks like she's been out here a LONG time. Probably drifting through this area of space for hundreds of years. I'm not reading any life-signs, or indications of crew in cryosleep. Looks deserted."

Marie had been listening in on proceedings on the bridge. Her ordered piles of junk had been knocked over too many times for her to bother continuing with the task so she'd decided she might as well amuse herself somehow.

"Did you say drifting?" she yelled into her combadge. "No life signs? Deserted? I'll suit up and prepare to investigate the possibility of salvage. We should have something to show for our efforts at the end of this trip and nothing else is on offer."

"Actually I'm not reading much area aboard capable of sustaining life," Jared continued as if Marie had not spoken. "Less than 5% of the ship's volume. Looks to be largely automated, I guess."

Jared looked at the ship on the view screen with a puzzled frown.

"You know... if I didn't know better, I'd swear she was..."

The little man stopped halfway through the sentence. In a matter of moments, his expression went from curious to... almost frightened.

"No. NO no no! You are not what I think you are, you are -NOT- what I think you are!"

Ro' was the closest. He couldn't see what was worrying Jared, but he recognised the tone of voice. In two strides he was next to Thor'nan, who had arrived to take his place at tactical, "Power disruptors. Load torpedo tube."

Ignoring everyone else on the bridge for the moment, Jared started furiously working on the science station, pulling up additional sensor readings, as well as specific proportions and mass readings. After a minute or so he stopped and looked at the screen.

The colour had drained from his face. None of the crew - Ro included - had ever seen him look so... horrified.

"I didn't recognise it. I haven't seen one for... so long. They said we got them all."

He didn't actually seem to be talking to anyone present.

Germite walked over to Jared and put his hand on his shoulder and shook him a little bit. "Jared, what is it?"

Jared blinked as he was addressed, looking over blankly.

"We should... raise shields, or... cloak... or... No, No that's pointless. Of course that's pointless."

He turned an ashen-faced look towards Ro. The Klingon Captain had never seen such an expression on the TiQ in all his years.

"We're dead," Jared informed the captain quietly. "We're all dead. Every one of us is dead."

Jared's words caused Marie to pause on her way to get an EVA suit. Now she stood transfixed, unable to move either forward or back. Had anyone else uttered those words she would have shrugged and kept on going but Jared.... Jared did not scare easily so whatever had spooked him had to be serious indeed.

He paused a moment.

"Everyone we know, too. They all dead. Everyone."


Tell was back in engineering diverting more power to the shields and rebooting redundant power cells in case they were needed. She ran her finger over the newly installed panels she had asked for on Qu'nos and hummed an old song that suddenly came into her head.

"......and by the powers
where we will we'll roam.

Yo, ho, haul together,
hoist the colors high.
Heave ho,
thieves and beggars,
never shall we die.

Here we go again she thought.

Ro' considered Jared closely. The Ancient looked old for the first time ever. He was sunken and grey. He stepped forward and pressed the inter-com so he could be heard through the ship.

"May'bel, get up here and take the bridge. Cha'a', Tactics. Lach, helm, keep us at this distance. Tierk, sensors, let me know if it twitches. Ru'fimohp, Tactical. 'Iw'a'na', get down to engineering and relieve Tell. Everyone else to the meeting room, NOW!"