In the belly of the Whale – Confirmation
by Soghla' HIchop Matlh & Soghla' Terri (Tell) Hope & HoD Ro' Matlh & Soghla' Marie St. Helene

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Title   Confirmation
Mission   In the belly of the Whale
Author(s)   Soghla' HIchop Matlh & Soghla' Terri (Tell) Hope & HoD Ro' Matlh & Soghla' Marie St. Helene
Posted   Thu Mar 25, 2010 @ 10:48am
Location   Sick Bay
Marie continued doing her best to ignore what was happening elsewhere in the cargo bay in the fervent hope that she too would be ignored. When the ambassador was picked up and carried out bodily, she was very much relieved. She assumed they were headed for Sickbay but, since she wasn't invovled, she didn't much care. Now she could get on with her own tasks undisturbed, which was exactly how Marie liked it. But something gnawed at her – something about the Bajoran not being a Bajoran at all. If she’d heard right, he was actually a Cardassian. She’d heard of such things but she’d never seen it. If it was true.... No, stay where you are. Don’t stick your nose into things that don’t concern you. Don’t go making trouble and trouble won’t come looking for you. But if it was true....

If it was true, why would a Cardassian agree to be surgically altered to look like a Bajoran?Especially if it meant taking all these drugs? she thought. And why was he here? There must be something which....Something clicked in her head. She’d seen something; something odd, something out of place, something in amongst the cargo. Now, where was it...?

She slapped her forehead with the heel of her hand. “Of course! The gadget I’ve been working on. I’ll bet that’s what’s behind all this. She hurried back over to the computer. But the gnawing refused to go away. There was something else – something incongruous, something definitely out of place.

Once they were in sickbay Hichop said, "Tell. I am fairly confident about what I am seeing here. What do you make of the Bajoran's medication and system wide inflammation?"

Hichop raised one eye brow "Maybe a reaction to Klingon food and an altered biologial system to mask the original species?"

Tell scanned the medication and was surprised at what she saw and rechecked her findings. 'Well, well well' she replied 'Our Bajoran is not what he appears to be! but he is in fact a Cardassian in disguise. The drug helps to keep the pretence going. He would have got away with it too for a lot longer had he eaten real food, instead of that Klingon muck you call food. From what I can see his original system has had a massive reaction to it."

Ro' strode into the room and looked at the unconsious Bajoran and his two crew, "Report!"

Tell looked up at him as he entered
" It seems we have a wolf in sheep's clothing" replied Tell

Ro' glared at Tell, "Speak plainly, Sogh!"

Once Tell and HIchop had explained the situation Ro's eyes narrowed, "Really? Wake him."

HIchop grabbed a stimulant and pumped it into the recumbant figure. The Bajoran/Cardasian's eyes snapped open and Ro' leaned right into him.

"Tell me one good reason I shouldn't hand you over to the Cardasians right now?"

The pseudo-ambassador smiled, "Because they would kill you for even having found out about me. I am a member of the reformed Obsidian order. I have refused a mission and am on the run. The order will kill me and anyone who has had anything to do with me. If you hand me over, you are admitting to knowing who I am and that will sign your death chit."

Ro' glanced at HIchop who gave a slight nod. The Cardasian was still linked to the bio monitors which meant HIchop could tell when he was lying, at least he could now that they were calibrated to cardasian.

"What mission are you running from?" Ro' insisted.

The Cardasian agent smiled, "Well, since we are all going to die anyway... I was to be sent to Bajor to influence their government to be receptive to reopening diplomatic relations with my people. The Order feels it is a vital link to our re-emergance as a galactic power."

"Why did you run away?"

The Cardasian laughed in contempt, "Ally ourselves with that filth? The bajorans should have been eliminated when we left Terak Nor, just as the my people were when the Dominion left Cardasia Prime. They are a plague that should be exterminated, not negotiated with."

Ro' noded to HIchop who pumped anesthetic into the man's drip and he went out like a light.

"All command staff to the briefing room. NOW!"