Marie's Mind – Stepping up
by HoD Ro' Matlh & Soghla' Marie St. Helene

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Title   Stepping up
Mission   Marie's Mind
Author(s)   HoD Ro' Matlh & Soghla' Marie St. Helene
Posted   Tue Dec 24, 2013 @ 12:11am
Location   Ro's Quarters
,'. Marie, come to my quarters. ,'.

Marie put aside what she was doing. Typical, she thought, no time frame, no indication of why, just: come.

The summons had been Ro’s normal brusque self. At least I’m not likely to be chewed out. For that, he’s more likely to come to me with a fist to the head than make me come to him.

When she arrived she walked straight into his quarters. There was none of that Starfleet politeness stuff on a Klingon ship.

“You bellowed,” she said.

Ro' was half way through a mouth full of wine. He finished and then released a belch that washed over her.

"Yes, I did," he agreed. "It has come to my attention that, despite first impressions and a near suicidal tendency to pick fights with senior crew you are still alive nearly six years after first joining my crew."

Marie nearly gagged. She wasn’t sure which was worse, the smell of stale blood wine or the smell of fresh.

"I think it is time you put that mouth of yours to more use. You are Quartermaster, so you have full responsibility for managing supplies and spare parts. I also am putting you in charge of the few remaining Marines we have from House HI'. Put them to work in whatever fashion you see fit, just make sure they are pulling their weight. If they won't then you have full authority to sort it out for yourself."

Oh, this’ll be good, Marie thought. I can just see me enforcing an order given to some hulking Klingon behemoth. That goes beyond suicidal!

“Marines, yeah, right,” she said. “I suppose I can get them to be delivery boys.”

Ro' waved an arm to dismiss her then called as she was walking out, "Oh, and if that means that a certain female Marine is put on permanent Targ mucking duty, well, that is your call, isn't it."

Marie though she caught the glimmer in his voice but by the time she'd turned back to him, he'd raised the wine bottle to his lips again.

She headed back to what she’d been doing but the prospects of completion seemed a lot better now. She’d been plotting revenge against just that female Klingon but every avenue involved E and that was not a route she wanted to take. She wanted this to be hers and hers alone.

Now whole new vistas were opening up before her and the scenery looked good.