Stricken – Dust to Dust Ashes to Ashes
by Soghla' Terri (Tell) Hope & Sogh Marla Varquis

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Title   Dust to Dust Ashes to Ashes
Mission   Stricken
Author(s)   Soghla' Terri (Tell) Hope & Sogh Marla Varquis
Posted   Thu Apr 15, 2010 @ 1:59pm
Location   Cloak Room
Timeline   A few minute's after Morach
Tag   Marla
Tell and Marla were covered in Dust from trying to clean the filters of dust. They both wore filter masks and the job was laborious and dirty. Tell longed for a shower she stopped for a drink of water and offered one to her friend.

"Have you heard this joke" she asked Marla. Tell was trying to make light of the work they were doing "It's good"

Engineers vs. God

One day a group of engineers got together and decided that man had come a long way and no longer needed God. They picked one engineer to go and tell Him that they were done with Him.

The engineer walked up to God and said, "God, we've decided that we no longer need you. We're to the point that we can clone people and do many miraculous things, so why don't you just go on and get lost."

God listened patiently to the man and after the engineer was done talking, God said, "Very well! How about this? Let's have a man-making contest."

The man replied, "Okay, great!" But God added, "Now we're going to do this just like I did back in the old days with Adam."

The engineers said, "Sure, no problem." He bent down and grabbed himself a handful of dirt.

God just looked at him and said, "No, no, no. Go get your own dirt!"

Marla laughed as she grabbed the water. She loved getting dirty, and so she was enjoying this. She looked at Tell in her new haircut, and said, "I have a joke too."

"What did the Blonde Klingon say?"

"I don't know what did the blonde Klingon say?" asked Tell wiping her face and leaving a large smear of dirt across her cheek. She felt so dirty and longed for a shower.

"Today was a good day to Dye!"

Tell laughed "That's good, that's really good" as she picked up a bucket of water "oops" she said as she flicked some water playfully at Marla.

"HoH! Tell! You have to be careful! You should know better, too much water can break the cloaking device! Not only that there is a Klingon saying, bortaS blr jablu'Dl'reh QaQqu' nay' or as you Humans will say it 'Revenge is a dish best served cold!' Beware the things I can do!"

Tell looked at her friend and all playfulness had gone out of her and felt ashamed she was right of course.
"I always thought it was served sweet" Tell replied "But its not the same when you add 'and space is sweet' " she rambled "Makes it sound like a desert"

Teh she smiled at her friend "How many Klingons does it take to change a light bulb?"

Marla smiled, "I don't know?"

"One to change the light bulb and one to kill the other and take all the honour.

Marla laughed, "You know that has probably happened before. Well, I can't even think of any more jokes at the moment. Do you have any more?"

"No" replied Tell "Perhaps we should get back to dusting out the dust and sweeping it under the carpet. Its going to take me ages to get this stuff of me, at least two showers worth." Tell patted her clothes creating more dust around her she had had enough of this stuff.