In the belly of the Whale – Need anything... Scienced (pt 1 of 3)
by Soghla' Jared & Soghla' Marie St. Helene & HoD Ro' Matlh

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Title   Need anything... Scienced (pt 1 of 3)
Mission   In the belly of the Whale
Author(s)   Soghla' Jared & Soghla' Marie St. Helene & HoD Ro' Matlh
Posted   Tue Feb 09, 2010 @ 12:23pm
Location   Starbase 611
Timeline   15 minutes after docking at SB 611
Jared finally came to terms with the fact that he was... lost.

These Federation facilities were certainly... Clean. And they had a very efficient, high tech look to them. The Federation clearly revered being modern and up to date. Unfortunately it meant all the corridors tended to look the same. No distinctive patches of dirt or corrosion to recognise, like on a klingon vessle. No landmarks of resellable clutter like a Ferengi ship.

Plus... all the corridors were bendy. Which meant you could never see more than 20-30 meters in any direction. It was frustrating.

Finally he thought... how would a race like this find something?

Of course. Technology.

"Computer?" he hazarded.

The chirrup sound seemed like a subtle acnowledgement of some kind. Of course. These people would want a computer system like a digital butler. Ever present, highly intelligent, and politely subserviant.

"Is there a science department on this station?"

++ Affirmative ++

Hmm... how delightfully academic and formal.

"Can you tell me who's in charge of it?"

++Chief Warrant Officer 3rd Class Akina Jrez,++ the computerised female voice replied.

"Right. Good. Then can you tell me where I can find them? And perhaps how to get there from here?"

++On the wall panel on your left there is a map of the station. Use it to follow your path. Each time you come to an intersection, ask for directions.++

"Ah. Of course. Thank you!"

He followed the blinking lights, until it eventually lead him to the Chief Science Officer's office.

He tapped the door chime.

It was not so much the fact that the chime sounded that took Jrez by surprise so much as the fact that someone had bothered to use it at all. Most people just barged straight in to what passed for his office.

An unknown person looked in warily to the room as the doors slid open.

"Hello? I'm looking for Akina Jrez."

Jrez turned. “I am he. May I help you?” he asked politely.

"Oh, hello there! My name is Jared. I'm the Science Officer on the Klingon vessel, the FHew. My Captain sent me over to see if I could be of any assistance."

Jrez didn't recognise the species. He was very human-like, but with a raised mohawk ridge of hair that seemed to run right down his back - right down to his medium length tail, which ended in a tuft. He also had a pattern of tiger-striping on the back of his neck and arms, and much of his skin was covered in a very fine fuzz - like a peach. He wasn't very tall.

He frowned for a moment.

"Actually I think he might have just wanted to get me off the ship for a while, so he didn't have to think about anything to do with Science. But while I was down here I thought I might offer my services, and maybe ask if you'd be able to help out with some... supplies."

“Supplies.... Yes, I might just be able to help you out. What do you need?”

"Well... anything you can spare, really. The FHew has been retasked as a science vessle. Which has made the captain pretty bad tempered, but also means we're going to need some sensors of the sort that don't lock on to moving objects. And probably some lab equipment, if possible. I don't even have a tricorder at the moment. I don't know if you've ever been on a Klingon ship. Science isn't exactly their first love."

“Who’s in charge of procuring supplies for your vessel? I’ll get in contact with him and see what we can organise."

"Ah, certainly. Our quartermaster is an angry young woman named Marie. I... think she's your species. I'm not really sure - I'm not very familiar with your kind. There's a lot more of you than there was last I was in this region of space. Are you Human, or one of these other... federated races?"

"Actually, I'm Trill. He pointed to his face. "See the spots; they're a bit of a giveaway."

"Trill," the little man replied. "Trill, Trill... why does that ring a bell? Oh... yes. You're the symbiote species. I seem to remember you having head ridges. But maybe that's another sub species. Nice to meet someone else who knows what it feels like to look young and feel old."

He shrugged as Jrez went on.

"As I said, what can I do for you? I must admit, I’m very new to this job so it might not be all that much. If you want hard science then I recommend you talk to Ensign Moshchnost. Beware, he stumbles and bumbles but don’t be fooled. His mind is razor sharp. If it’s a more practical application of science then I’m probably the one you need. Encryption and decryption of codes is my field of expertise – what’s yours?”

"Umm... I'm more of a theoretical scientist. I can do... technical stuff... if needed. But the technology changes so fast nowadays it's a little hard to keep up with. I'm better at Astrophysics, Xenobiology, Geology, Organic Chemistry, Archaeology, Genetics, Interspacial Dynamic systems theory... that sort of thing."

"Is there anything that Ensign Moshchnost needs help with? My orders were... a little vague."

"Knowing Serge...ah, Ensign Moshchnost...he's got far too many projects running at once and could do with any help you could give. He's in Science Lab 3. Just go out to the corridor, turn left and it's the next one along. As for this angry young woman what's her full name. We might be able to come to some arrangement."

"Of course... Marie's full name... Umm... you know I'm not actually sure. She's human. If you have a computer terminal handy, hopefully the FHew's crew roster is on there. Should be one of the only names without apostrophes. Or if you signal them, the conn officer should be able to tell you. She likes to keep track of that sort of thing. Always seems to be taking notes about people."

"I'll go talk to this Serge... Let me know if I can be any more help!"

The little chap headed out into the corridor and wandered off too the left.

Head ridges? Wherever did he get that notion from? Jrez wondered. How has such an absent minded creature survived even two days on a Klingon ship?