Alligences 1 – Rude Awakenings2
by HoD Ro' Matlh & Soghla' Terri (Tell) Hope

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Title   Rude Awakenings2
Mission   Alligences 1
Author(s)   HoD Ro' Matlh & Soghla' Terri (Tell) Hope
Posted   Wed Jun 02, 2010 @ 2:04pm
Location   ISS Cygnet
Timeline   After the Party
Tell woke up in an empty room with metal walls. She was unbound but her pockets had been emptied and her communicator was gone. She could tell by the vibrations through the floor that she was on a ship and it was moving at high Warp. The only lighting was a single panel fixed to the high ceiling, just beyond her reach. Apart from that there was only a door with the internal access panel removed and covered in a welded faceplate.

She lay there for a while as her stomach churned. Eventually she was able to pull herself upright and lean against one wall as the giddiness slowly ebbed.

After a short while the door opened inwards and Gerrat stepped through. He considered her for a moment and then spoke softly.

“Hello again, Theresa. Welcome to your new home.”

Tell squared herself up to face him keeping eye contact with Garret all the time. She pushed herself away from the wall leaving one hand there for balance.

An empty room didn't hold much of a threat for Tell.An empty room with Jones standing there, and no visible means of escape gripped her heart in an ice cold vice so intense that it refused to let go. She was suddenly afraid but tried not to show it she felt like a caged wild animal waiting for her fate to be decided by the hunter.

In her weakened state she was no match for him so fighting would prove nothing except for her getting hurt.

"Jones" She tried to say but her voice had been affected by the gas and it came out shaky and hoarse. "Let me go!"

Gerrat feigned surprise, "Is that any way to greet the love of your life? I am here to care for you, Tell, just like I promised to do on our wedding day. I am sorry I was not good enough to stop you running off into danger, but I promise I won't let it happen again."

Tell shook her head in disbelief. She had never hated anyone as much as she hated him. “Do you call beating me almost senseless, on that night and this, caring for me?” She indicated the half moon scar on her neck. “You wouldn’t recognise the word even if it came up and bit you in a place where the sun never shines. I don’t mean anything to you, I don’t mean anything to anybody.”

Least of all myself. She thought Least of all me.

"I would be remis in my duty, Love, if I didn't teach you how to be a dutiful wife," Gerrat answered, unflustered by her outbursts. "Respect and obey. That was the oath you swore."

Her throat was dry and sore, she was desperate for some water. Tells heart was pounding deafeningly inside her ears. She knew that going in for the attack was the wrong thing to do but what choice did she have? She would not surrender to him, she would never surrender to him or any man ever again.

"You are here to be my wife, and I your husband. I know you have only had a day of being married and you still have a lot to learn. First of all we still have the issue of respect. You don't know how to show the proper respect that is due to your husband. Your outburst at the party was a perfect example."

She still didn't take her eyes off him as she saw him walk nearer. "Respect?" she almost spat the word at him. "Give me back my knife and I'll push it through your ribs, and then I'll show you what 'I' mean by respect. Your a pathetic vile excuse for a human if you think that by holding me against my will gives you ownership over me."

Gerrat smiled slightly, "I don't think you fully understand your situation."

“I fully understand that you are keeping me a prisoner here and that when the FHew arrives to rescue me and ...... the others” A then a sudden realisation dawned on her, if she was here where were they? “ Jared? Hay’legh? what have you done with them?”

"The Klingons?" Gerrat almost laughed. "They are wanted for smuggling. On Ubatti that is a crime punishable by death. I saved your life, and that of your friends by getting you all out of there."

He took a sudden step towards her and she drew back involuntarily, "Now, listen to me closely. I want you to scream for help. Go on."

Tell felt the metal wall behind her and despite all her bravado to begin with, flinched at the approach, her hands flew to protect her face and body. She tried in vain to push herself further back from him, to blend in or to become part of the wall. But the wall just remained a wall, solid, unflinching and as unforgiving as its builder. Fear over took her and although her voice had almost gone, she called pathetically

Gerrat shook his head, "No, not like that, like this... HELP! OH GOD, HELP ME! SHE'S KILLING ME! AAAARGH!"

The echos bounced of the sterile walls in deafening volume. Eventually the room was silent again and Gerrat had his ears cocked for anyone running to aid him. No one came.

"You see, Theresa. There is no help for you here. You stay here for as long as it takes to learn the respect tthat is due to me. You will not eat, except what I give you. You will wear only what I provide. You will notice there is not even facilities to toilet or wash yourself, and won't be until I provide them."

"Lesson 1. On this ship everyone calls me Captain, or Sir. For you it needs to be something special. You will call me master. Do you understand?"

"I will never call you that" she said building up what was left of the little courage she had left. "It'll be a cold day in Hell when I call you Master"

"Look around you. There is no food here. No bed. No toilet. No shower. All of those things are provided by me to the people who I care for. Until you agree to be one of those people, you can scrabble in your own fecaes for edible scraps from your last dinner. I will not be back again today. Good night, Theresa."