Alligences 1 – Panic
by Soghla' Terri (Tell) Hope & HoD Ro' Matlh

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Title   Panic
Mission   Alligences 1
Author(s)   Soghla' Terri (Tell) Hope & HoD Ro' Matlh
Posted   Fri Jun 11, 2010 @ 12:27am
Location   Cygnet holding cell
Tell stood in the middle of her cell, she was breathing heavily after a few hours of exercises to keep her mind awake. She was incredibly hot and desperate to eat and drink . She ran her fingers over her sweat covered brow and put the beads of moisture on her already parched dry and hot lips but not even they could cure her insatiable thirst. Not drinking or eating meant that she didn’t have to use her makeshift toilet as much and she was reluctant to use it again. She ran her hands down her strong legs which ached with the strain she had put her them through and forced her limbs to move as Tell turned her attention to the door.

The door sat flush with the wall and she let her fingers trace the fine outline, looking for any flaw any defect that could mean a way out for her. She ran her hands over the welded lock on the door hoping to find a weakness but Tell found none. It was the same with the walls and the ceiling there was no way out. Her cell had become a coffin and the walls were increasingly closing in on her.

Tell leaned up against the wall, intense tiredness was beginning to overtake her already sore body, she needed to stay awake. She tried not to swallow, swallowing only hurt her throat. She walked into the pitiful centre of her cell and prepared to put her body through another rigourous routine. But a combination of exhaustion and a slippery metal floor caused her to fall and land awkwardly on her shoulder. The sudden shock from the pain made her to black out............ and she found herself back on the FHew....


“Here, I’m here” she shouted back forcing herself to get out of bed and walk towards the door. His voice had disappeared down towards the engine room and she followed it.

When she got there she saw that it was a wreck with everything everywhere as if a tornado had hit it.

“I don’t understand what’s happened” she told him “How did it get like this?” Wires hung down from the ceiling and there was equipment all over the floor. Relays were blowing out all around the engine room.

“I’ll sort it, Captain” she said to him “I’ll fix it, it’ll be fine, I’m on it” and began to tidy up and put things away.
When suddenly she found herself being picked up and hurled against the bulkhead, Ro’s eyes burned into hers as he held her there by the throat. She couldn’t breathe, she tried to lift her arms to push him away but he was so strong. Panic and fear made her realise that he could kill her this time.

“Ro’” she gasped “Let me go..... please, please ..... let me go”

“Tell! you insolent pig of an engineer, you are my student, are you not? That makes me your.....what? answer me or I’ll have you fed to the larder, piece by piece”

“No” she cried as her flew eyes open “No” and she forced herself to sit up against the wall, her right shoulder in agony.

A sudden noise then made her turn her head slowly and she watched the door opposite open with out a sound.

Gerrat entered the room and looked down at his wife. She was a mess, and the room stunk of sweat and refuse.

"Hello Theresa," he said with a hint of pity inhis voice, "You are hurt. WOuld you like me to tend that? Or perhaps you would like something to drink first? Maybe a shower and clean clothes?"

Tell rubbed a painful left eye that had started to irritate her, when a single droplet of salty sweat had dripped into it. The movement caused a sudden twinge of agony to shoot through her shoulder and she tried not to reveal it on her face. She watched him through one large angst ridden eye, genuinely terrifying Tell just by being in his presence.

"Don't come anywhere near me" she said huskily

Gerrat stayed where he was but asked in a level voice, "Who are you talking to, Theresa?"

"You....." she said, though Tell knew what he meant "Why keep me here Gerrrat ?, I'm of no use to you, I don't love you . If that's what your hoping for forget it." she paused "And Its Tell not Theresa"

Gerrat's voice was soft, "Of course you love me, Theresa, I am your husband. You swore to love, honour and obey me. Obey me in this, wife. I am your master. Who am I?"

Tell had slid slightly down on her uninjured side so that her head now rested on the opposite wall. She felt sick with panic ,the room seemed to be shrinking in one her inch by inch and made even smaller with Gerrat standing in it.

She couldn't tell if she had slipped back into her dream or if she was begining to halucinate. For a moment it was not Gerrat that stood over her but Ro', her true Captain and master.

"Who am I?" Ro' growled.

"Master?" Tell mumbled.

When Gerrat spoke again though the vission vanished leaving a bitter hollow, "Good, Theresa. We are already making progress. You have remembered you place and how to show proper respect. While that continues you will be fed and cared for."

He crossed to one wall and passed a card over it. Out of the wall unfolded a toilet stall and seperate shower stand. He also pulled open a small draw and picked up her soiled boot and dropped it inside.

"Put your clothes in here while you shower and they will be cleaned for you. I will gt you some food and return in about ten minutes. Should be plenty of time for you to clean up. "

His movement caused her to flinch and unbearable agony in her shoulder, coupled with knowing what she had said, made her whimper and bring on another pain, that of tears to her eyes. Silent sobs that seem to catch at the back of her throat made her realise that her illusions had tricked her into calling him Master. One word had suddenly changed things from much worse to knowing that if Tell was lucky, she would die here.