Bloody Captain – Scene 5
by HoD Ro' Matlh & Soghla' Jared

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Title   Scene 5
Mission   Bloody Captain
Author(s)   HoD Ro' Matlh & Soghla' Jared
Posted   Sat Jul 03, 2010 @ 10:14am
Location   Medbay
Timeline   After the fight in Medbay
The Med bay was a mess but at least Ro’ was no longer here. Tell was lying on the bed, her face purple and swollen but at least she was still breathing. A pair of legs was sticking out of a collapsed pile of boxes and equipment. A quick check revealed it to be HIchop, also alive, but also badly beaten.

Jared quickly grabbed a Klingon medical scanner. They were almost useless for telling you WHAT was wrong with someone, but they were superb at telling you what Jared needed to know - was this person going to die, or would they be up and about and fighting soon?

Both would live, although they'd be out for a while. Tell possibly had a concussion, and HIchop had several broken bones. But they'd live. And quite frankly, at the moment they were a lot safer lying in a battered and bloody heap on the floor.

Safer than the ones still standing, anyway.

He grabbed a hypo off the desk, and pulled the vial of antibiotic out of it. Then he quickly opened up the pharmaceutical cabinet and grabbed another vial.

There was a loud crash a few rooms away.

Definitely time to go!