Blood Reckoning – Feasting
by HoD Ro' Matlh

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Title   Feasting
Mission   Blood Reckoning
Author(s)   HoD Ro' Matlh
Posted   Tue May 31, 2011 @ 2:31am
Location   Mess hall
Timeline   Celebratory dinner
The process of harvesting the spiders from an infected host is simple. Though the process of leaving them to mature can be uncomfortable and unsettling, it is necessary. At this stage the mature spiders surface from the epidermal layer to for small pustules just below the dead skin layer. If left unattended they then inject their host with a numbing poison and eat them from the inside out. However, if caught just as the nausea subsides they may be safely collected any time in the following 2-3 days.

The process involves piercing them with a barbed fork, straight through the hosts skin. This is not felt by the host, due to the numbing agent the spiders are already using, and they spiders are taken intact and alive straight through the skin. the skewered spider is devoured immediately, and the slight numbing sensation on the tongue is said to be most exquisite. Often close friends and family are gathered to share in this intimate and rare ritual.

Once the host is clear of infection the wounds can be left to scar as a mark of honour, but a standard federation Dermal regenerator can repair any marks leaving the individual with no ongoing physical evidence.

Whether the First officer of the FHew shared her cleansing with the crew or managed it in private is unclear. Perhaps it is best not to speculate.