In the belly of the Whale – Soup
by HoD Ro' Matlh & Sogh HoS Matlh

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Title   Soup
Mission   In the belly of the Whale
Author(s)   HoD Ro' Matlh & Sogh HoS Matlh
Posted   Mon Feb 15, 2010 @ 2:04pm
Location   Ro's Cabin
Timeline   After the Communique from High Command
Tag   HoS
"What do you want?" Ro' barked at the door. It swung open to reveal the Ordinace Officer.

"Hos, Good. Come in, close the door"

HoS stood facing his Captain as he swiped at the wall panel by the door. Despite the trust he had built in Ro' over the years, HoS knew never to turn your back on anyone.

"Report on our status."

"All weapons are calibrated and online, qaH [Sir]. The access codes to all secure areas have been reset and the relevant personnel have been informed. Being docked for so long at the Starbase was making me... uneasy."

"And what of you? How are you handling the second language?"

"How would you say... Du'Daq vIyIt [Walk in the Farm/Park]"

Ro' laughed, something he did not do so easily any more. "Hos, Since you are so good at the butchering and cooking, I am going to put you in charge of the food for our guests. The Bajoran said he has eaten Gargh, but it was probably dead and stale. The Romulan has made it clear he would rather starve. Feel free to let him. Oh, and Jared is trying to make some soup for them."

Ro' suddenly punched the desk, "Qu'vatlh [By the 100 #*@$ Duties]! Soup? What has happened to us, Hos. We have fought in every battle there was an walked away with honour and glory. 21 years you have stood with me. You werer there when we sent the Galaxy Class packing! And now we are cooking SOUP while the is a war only a few days away."

"As long as you don't make me wear an apron, qaH. Whatever is left I'll dry out and use it for target practice. And if the Romulan is still eating it at the time, well, can't help bad luck."

"Is that all, qaH?"

Ro' smiled genuinely. He liked the boy... not really a boy anymore. His direct approach was refreshing. "Not quite, HoS. You have been a junior officer for to long. As of today, you are Sogh [Lt], with all the rank pins and pay increases that are attached to that honour. Congratulations, HoS. Now get upstairs and cook tea before I make you clean out the TTarg pens."

Ro's slapped HoS on the arm, unable to reach his shoulder.

HoS thought his Captain talked a lot but he got the bit about the promotion so he blew through his teeth in recognition of the honor. Klingons rarely smiled.