Operation Foxtrot Uniform – Oh Dear!
by Soghla' Marie St. Helene

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Title   Oh Dear!
Mission   Operation Foxtrot Uniform
Author(s)   Soghla' Marie St. Helene
Posted   Tue Nov 09, 2010 @ 10:54am
Location   Klingon starbase
Marie shook, quite literally shook. She’d been warned off by many people before and usually she shrugged it off and went on her merry way regardless. The captain had just warned her off in no uncertain terms and she was in no doubt that he meant it.

To put it in a nutshell, the base they were on was out of bounds to her usual practises. No trickery, no sleight of hand, no scams. Do not even consider looking for a black market. Matlh had made it quite clear; to do so would put her life in extreme danger. If Marie had learnt one thing in the course of her time on the F’Hew it was not to disregard what Matlh had to say: not in a matter like this.

That left her in a quandary. She had to get supplies but how was she to do so. Going into a shop and purchasing them was so out of character to her – and so outside her experience – that she was not exactly sure how to do it. Did you bargain or did you just accept the nominated price? Did you browbeat the staff until they caved in or were you meant to be polite?

In the end she decided a bit of reconnaissance was in order. She’d go to a shop and see what other people did.