Alligences 1 – Peek a Boo
by Sogh HoS Matlh

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Title   Peek a Boo
Mission   Alligences 1
Author(s)   Sogh HoS Matlh
Posted   Sat Jun 05, 2010 @ 2:27pm
Location   Cargo Bay Doors
Timeline   During the party
HoS could hear the marines sit to attention behind him but they did not move. The three Ubatti lay dead at his feet crumpled in a heap of white.

"Drop your weapon and surrender your ship".

HoS stared out into the gloom and saw a flash of something ducking behind a nearby merchant container. Ten feet from the first movement he noticed another shifting into place behind a water carrier.

HoS chuckled to himself, "Ha! So they want to play So' je jaH nej [hide and go seek]!" He silently beckoned to the watchful marines who sprang into action and fanned out at his side but slightly behind. Each raised their rifle in readiness.

"When you see a vetlh [cockroach] poke its head out of its hole, shoot it."

HoS hadn't taken his eyes from his prey's last known position. He wasn't sorry he'd missed the party. This was going to be a most enjoyable night.