HoD Ro' Matlh’s Personal Log - Captain's Log, Stardate 62464.3

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Title   Captain's Log, Stardate 62464.3
Author   HoD Ro' Matlh
Posted   Tue Nov 09, 2010 @ 5:42am
We have left the Miletus system. We have gain two archaic ships, one Miletun and one Vulcan. I have named them the HoS and the Hegrup, in recognition of the two fine warriors who lost their lives here today. They are remembered with honour. Jared is even writing a song about Hegrup.

Jared has been promoted to HoS' rank and is responsible for finding us a new officer to serve at the Tactics station. I will miss HoS' direct mindedness. So many gone now, leaving me in a ship with less Klingons and more aliens.

We will dock at the Ship yards at Meng'PoQ to deliver the HoS and Hegrup. Then it seems House Malth has a debt to pay. A Matlh opperative who was negotiating in a volatile system has become stranded. CoQ does not have the resources to recover him, but Haqtaj has decided she can spare us.

We will extract our operative with extreme predjudice. They will learn to fear the name Matlh.

End Log.