Re-born – Marie's watch
by Soghla' Marie St. Helene & Soghla' Terri (Tell) Hope

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Title   Marie's watch
Mission   Re-born
Author(s)   Soghla' Marie St. Helene & Soghla' Terri (Tell) Hope
Posted   Tue Nov 29, 2011 @ 9:39pm
Marie checked boxes, made sure that crates were securely stowed, ensured that containers wouldn't shift in the case of battle. Then she checked them again...and again. Then.... She looked at her watch – not even half of her shift standing guard duty over their Borg-to-be had passed.

She looked at Hope. The girl was sleeping. Marie went back to her checking. After two more tours and precious few minutes expended she headed for the replicator. “Raktajino, she ordered.

Maybe it was the smell of the beverage, maybe it was the sound of her voice....whatever it was, Hope stirred.

In her dream she was running. She would glance behind her now and then to see if they were following. Her father had shouted at Hope one last time to run and hide. She could outrun all of her friends, they said she was the fastest. She liked nothing better than to run, it was the best thing ever.

A door opened in front of her and she was in their meadow with grasses and flowers that grew as tall as she was. Their trees were dotted about near to the river bank where they used to have their picnic. She could hide here.

Something grabbed her ankle and she fell, she never falls. The monster had caught her and wouldn't let go, she kicked, she screamed and called out for her father. He should be there to protect her and stop her from being afraid.

"Daddy!" came a lost, desperate cry so pitiful in it's grief.

The mug dropped from Marie's hands and shattered on the floor. Without thinking she dashed to the child and wrapped her in her arms. She made soothing noises in Hope's ear.

When Hope had settled a bit, Marie eased her back. Cradling Hope's face in her hands, she asked “What is it? What's wrong?”

Hopes's body shook with sobs as she let the one known as Marie hold her until the dream began to fade. "Do you know where my Mum is or my Dad?"

"Child, your Mum and Dad are dead." It seemed the best thing to say. If they'd been assimilated they might as well be dead.

Hope's fingers touched the side of her face were the metal thing had appeared. She had tried to pull it out but nothing happened. A last sob shook her. "Can you take me home?"

"First we're taking you to a hospital to have that horrible thing removed. Where is home?"

"We were on the ship." Hope began "They said one more trip and we could go home." She seemed to stare into the middle distance as if trying to recall something they might have said to her once. Then looked to Marie for help. "I don't know."