New Blood – The Fallen - Part 2 - Long time no see.
by Soghla' Terri (Tell) Hope & HoD Ro' Matlh

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Title   The Fallen - Part 2 - Long time no see.
Mission   New Blood
Author(s)   Soghla' Terri (Tell) Hope & HoD Ro' Matlh
Posted   Mon May 21, 2012 @ 3:53am
Location   The Fallen
The door to her room slid sideways to reveal a corridor with no one in it. It curved around to the right and Tell walked along it knowing full well she would bump into either someone or something soon.

Where was everyone she thought, expecting some kind of activity but seeing none. She knew she was in space and this even smelled different, clean for one thing and new. She was not followed and there was no welcoming committee... yet. Her senses were on full alert, listening and looking all the time.

A turbo lift door appeared ahead of her and she stepped in and after just a few minutes thought she said "Bridge"

The doors snapped shut soundlessly in front of her. A slight hum was the only indication that told Tell the turbo lift was working. What would she find when the lift stopped and the doors opened? A coldness settled in the pit of her stomach, reminding her of a time when she was captured once before, but this is different and he was dead.

The lift stopped and the doors opened silently and she walked onto a starship bridge that was unlike no other. Larger than the bridge on the FHew and so obviously Starfleet by the looks of it. The lines were sleek and bright. There was the slightly ionised smell that you got with Starfleet automated cleaning systems. The vibrations and tone of the engine were far more stable than any Klingon ship she had been on. IN fact he engines purred unlike anything she'd felt before. Tell could only wonder what the engine room would look like. The view screen told her that they were orbiting Qo'nos. Tell took the few steps down to the command chair and the helm. Trying to work out the unusual panel readings she saw.

She did not realise it at the time but the entire ship was a new and experimental model, including interfaces which were dermal responsive. When an authorised user placed their hands on the display it responded to their touch, shifting controls and displays around their hands to reduce movement and increase efficiency and response times. Devoid of that touch however they were just sending random gibberish that one of the design engineers would struggle to make sense of and Tell stood no chance.

Tell was suddenly startled by a door opening to her left and was instantly on the alert. Seconds later a strikingly handsome Trill walked in, taller than her but then again every one was. It was very hard to describe him in three words and only one of them was human.

"I see your awake at last dearest. I don't suppose you remember much about last night or the fact that we are now married. You really were something and I...."

Tell was on him before he had time to take a breath, with one of her knives pressed against his smooth skinned delicate throat. God he smelled good. she thought. Had she been around Klingons for so long that she had forgotten what a good looking human male was like. It was pure primeval in its raw state and not something Tell was used to feeling.

Within those few seconds her guard had dropped. The Trill took advantage of that and swung the engineer round so that she faced him. He held her so tight against his body, her left hand lay tensed on his chest and she felt his heartbeat through her finger tips. Her right arm was tucked under his left arm pinning it there and forcing her hand to lie flat against his back. Her mouth was just inches away from his. It took all her will power to refuse to give in and yet it would be so easy. His grip tightened.

Tell growled a phrase she had heard a thousand times. It came unbidden to her lips,
"JIHegh chojonpa!" [Death before capture]

She noticed a movement out of the corner of her eye, some one else had entered the Bridge.

"Come on Maxx give in she has you." he said with a hint of laughter in his voice.

"No no I have it. You said she was fast but I have it all under control." replied the Trill

"No you haven't. You have left your back wide open to attack. Feel that slight pressure? Yes? A small barbed blade called Qis is unsheathed. You'll be dead before you hit the ground if she lets that go."

A sharper voice barked out, "Lt Maxx! This is behaviour unbecoming a Starfleet officer!"

Chris Maxx leapt away as if he had been stung and a Bolian in Captain's uniform could be seen scowling at the junior officer.

Tell stepped away from Maxx but she still could feel the heat of his body around her. She ached to be held once more and wondered briefly if she had been drugged .Not expecting this, the firery engineer felt at war with her traitorous emotions that were suddenly rampaging to the surface hell bent on the destructive path she did not want to go down again .

Sensing her confusion Maxx reached out and took hold of her hand. Instinct took over and she wrenched it back "Don't touch me." she snapped and threw him such a scathing look just as if she had thrown a blade at him. He held his hands up in submission and feigned hurt.

She turned to the Captain. "I'm Soghla' Tell Hope. First officer and Chief engineer of the IKC FHew. I demand to know where I am and how soon I can return to the surface."

The Bolian dropped his stern demeanour the moment she addressed him, "I know who you are, Ms Hope. You come very highly recommended by both my my Opperations officer and my First officer, both of whom I believe you know." He indicated to each man in turn, "Lt Chris Maxx, and Lt Cmdr James Hope."

Tell watched as the other man in the room stepped into the light where she could see him properly. Jamie her brother, her long lost brother was standing a few steps away from her and smiling. She didn't know whether to hit him or hug him. Instead she stepped back and let her brain try to engage it self into gear and make sense of what was happening. All of the scenarios that she had acted out about finding him hadn't prepared her for this and suddenly her world began to collapse around her.

A combination of lack of food and water, blended with shock sent the fiesty engineers head reeling. Maxx offered to steady her and reached out but she put her hands up as if to push him away.

"Tell its me, its ok " said Jamie walking towards her. He thought she would be pleased to see him and wasn't prepared for this kind of reaction from her. Unsure of what to do next he turned to the Captain.

She heard his voice, oh how long had she waited to hear his voice. It wasn't fair it wasn't supposed to be like this. Tell took a step further away only to collide with a chair and all of a sudden she felt herself falling and couldn't stop. Maxx only just caught her in time before her head hit the floor.

"Get her to sick bay. It seems," The Captain responded. "That Ms Hope must still be feeling the effects of last night's imbibing. Contact the FHew and assure them we have her safely on board. When she is up and about, No 1, I want you to take her down to Engineering and explain what it is we are experimenting with and why we need her."

"Aye, sir," James replied as Chris took the now recumbent Tell towards the turbo lift.