Empty Promise – Unwelcome Reunion
by HoD Ro' Matlh & Sogh Germite Ephilom & Ne' Michelle "Mike" Young & Soghla' HIchop Matlh & Soghla' Terri (Tell) Hope & Soghla' Jared & Soghla' Marie St. Helene & Sogh HoS Matlh

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Title   Unwelcome Reunion
Mission   Empty Promise
Author(s)   HoD Ro' Matlh & Sogh Germite Ephilom & Ne' Michelle "Mike" Young & Soghla' HIchop Matlh & Soghla' Terri (Tell) Hope & Soghla' Jared & Soghla' Marie St. Helene & Sogh HoS Matlh
Posted   Wed Feb 11, 2015 @ 5:16am
Location   Border of Klingon Space
Timeline   Five days out of Iapetus
It was a different bridge today. Sure there were sore heads from the party Tell had arranged, but there was an air of defiance and readiness to take on anything the universe had to throw at them.

Ro sat in his seat. In front of him sat Marie and Germite at Navigation and Communication respectively. Behind his left shoulder was HIchop, as Tactics, and Bruce beside him on Ro's left. Behind HIchop were Tell, 'Mike' and jaqwI' at Engineering, Life Support and Damage control. Behind Bruce were Jared, CHa'a' and Lach on Science, Computer Control and Operations, though probably the last two just didn't want to be helping 'Iw'a'na' was cleaning the Targ pits, or HoS to do the cooking prep.

13 people on the 12 man B'rel, the ship was full to over flowing, but not as cramped as it had been. Ro' felt good.

There was a beep of one of the Navigational and Tactical sensors as both picked up an object. It was big and traveling at High Impulse speeds.

Marie turned to HIchop. From the look on his face, he’d seen it too. “Unidentified object: Bearing 165, Mark 37. Big and closing fast.”

Tell's head still ached even after painkillers and three large cups of extra sweet coffee. She was stiff and her shoulders ached and wondered if it was because she had woken up on her couch in the hold still in her outfit she wore for that evening. She had been watching a film, but couldn't remember what it was and then there was JaqwI, looking at her and smirking. What did he have to smirk about?

As she turned back to her console, having given her report, Marie caught sight of Tell's hang-drawn face. Marie offered Tell a sweet smile that said: I know what you got up to last night.

"Bring us about," Ro' ordered, "Raise Cloak."

The FHew disappeared as it swung in a slow arc around and up to face the approaching ship.

"It is not on an intercept course," Bruce supplied. "I don't know if it had seen us."

"Close enough now for identification. It's a... " Jared began and then glanced at HIchop.

Hichop's eyes widened. Anger seemed to boil in his veins. "A Lyan Predator. Weapons ready; shoot when in range! The Lyan QI'yaH of the Scare Clan will not pass".

Ro' leapt from his chair, "Lyan? Here?"

He turned to HIchop, "Hold fire! We don't have the capability to do more than scratch her. Helm, maintain evasive maneuvers; do not stay in one place or trajectory for more than a few seconds. May'bel, break out the hand weapons. All crew to battle stations; prepare for boarders."

He turned back to the tiny image on screen that seemed to have put terror into the entire Klingon crew, "Jared, make sure they haven't seen us. We need to tail them and find out what they are doing here."

“A what?” Marie asked as she punched an evasive pattern into her console. “What’s a ‘Lygon Predator’ when it’s around and what’s a ‘Scared Clan’? If it’s scared, why are we even worried about it?”

"Not heard to that one before," said Tell "but the word predator sounds a bit menacing. Whats so special about them?"

Ro' glanced at the Humans, wishing he did not have to share this piece of unflattering history.

"The Lyan are a race from the far side of Klingon Space. Less than a century ago they invaded and occupied much of Klingon and Romulan space. They were the true reason both ourselves and the Klingons needed to negotiate non-aggression pact with your Federation, The Romulans disappeared completely during a time you refer to as the Tombed incident. It looked like they would wipe out both races then... they just stopped attacking and began to turn on each other. Even now we are very cautious about reclaiming contested Lyan Territory."

"The Lyan are equal to us in ferocity, and to the Romulans in cunning. A Predator is equivalent to one of your Galaxy Class, though they posses a weapon we do not understand. I have seen K't'inga class vessels with full compliment of weapons, crew and shields suddenly explode when faced with even one of their scout ships. We have never managed to capture one of these ship killer weapons. We don't even know what it is. Otherwise their weaponry is not particularly significant; Disruptors similar to ours, no Torpedo technology, linked tractor beams which make them difficult to shake. Their warriors are cunning, strong and ruthless."

"An entire clan may live on a single Predator with its support ships. The Scar Clan (you will forgive HIchop's struggle to pronounce it correctly in your tongue), are a tenacious group, hard to kill, but rarely seen in alien space. It remains to be seen why they have ranged this far from their own borders, but it does not bode well for the Klingons, Romulans, or your Federation."

"I have some good news", Jeeves burbled happily. "While my protocols directly inhibit me from developing technologies you have not yet invented, I am permitted to aid you with investigation and integration of weapons systems already in production should you recover them form another species."

Ro' glanced at Jared for confirmation, "Jeeves would be able to help us set up the ship killer on the FHew if we could get hold of one?"

Cha'a' grunted, "If we succeed by boarding a Lyan Predator and recovering this weapon, a thing no other crew in the entire Klingon Defence Force has achieved."

She thought about the history of the ship, and added"... again."

"Opinions," Ro' barked.

“Didn’t Kirk once steal a cloaking device off a Romulan ship?” Marie asked. “If he can do it....”

Ro' frowned, "Kirk? Kirk who? We traded our D7 ship design for the Romulan cloak centuries back. What has that to do with this? Or are you saying you are in favour?"

“Kirk?” Marie repeated in disbelief. “You don’t know who James Tiberius Kirk is? Even I’ve heard of Kirk! I can’t remember the name of the Romulan ship but while its commander was busy trying to seduce Spock, Kirk stole their advanced cloaking device right from under their eyes.”

"Bah!" Ro' dismissed the idea. "If your Federation had stolen a cloaking device you would have equipped your ships with it."

“Think so?” Marie asked derisively. “The Federation is ruled by high-minded people who think they have to honour treaties. There’s some treaty – Algenon, or something like that – that forbids the Federation from using cloaking devices. There’ve been a few attempts over the years to get around it but the high-minded types always put a stop to it.”

"Scotty was always my hero," Tell added "Brilliant engineer, I would have loved to have met him."

Ro' looked around the rest of the command crew, "Come now, you are usually so outspoken. What's the matter, cat got your tongue?"

Germite turned. "I vote for boarding the ship... Ours has gotten a little cramped anyway."

Hichop clenched his fist. He wanted to respond to Ro's insult, but he was right. He had become too focused on wanting to fire on the Lyans. He had to snap out of it. "I volunteer to lead the away team".

"ToH!" Ro' acknowledged.

"I suspect I'm in the minority," Jared said from the Science station, "but personally I'd recommend leaving well alone. Last I knew of the Lyan, their warriors were eight foot tall carnivores with six inch claws, massive strength and enormous agility. That ship is ten times our weight-class in combat, and I seem to remember stories about them detecting cloaked vessles. And what I'm seeing on my board here suggests the engines are pretty powerful - she might be able to outrun us, if she finds us."

"I had heard the rumours of them being able to detect cloaked ships," Ro' allowed begrudgingly.

"I feel like we'd want a REALLY good reason to provoke something like that. Or a lot of backup."

Ro' ground his teeth in frustration, "What would you have me tell the KDF? We have no information on their intent or targets."

"At the very least, I feel like we'd be better off dropping back to the edge of sensor range and tailing her to see where she's headed."

Ro' snarled, "I agree, for now. But we must be careful. If the Lyan decide to destroy us there will be no warning. Helm, maintain a sporadic flight pattern but keep well back. Jared, Hichop. I want to know when they twitch. All crew, arm yourselves and be ready for a fight."

And so the crew went to full alert and trailed behind the giant.

“They're maintaining Warp 3,” Marie reported from Helm.

For an hour.

No changes.

Not so much as a sensor scan.

Jeeves supplied analysis of the sensor data, "The hull scatters life signs, but there are obvious signs of battle damage. Small sections of hull show holes that appear to have been blown out from the inside."

"Could they be all dead? A derelict?" Ro' queried.

"That would fit the available data, though it is not the only explanation," Jeeves allowed.

Ro' stood again, "ToH! It seems HIchop and Germite will get their chance at a boarding party. Any volunteers?"

Marie tried to shrink into as small a shape as possible. After that last foray through the Corporation's party, she thought, or whatever the Seven Hells they call themselves, I want no part of Ro's mad adventures. It's bad enough having to pilot this damn ship!

"They will need an Engineer and an expert in Advanced weaponry to find and recover the ship killer," Ro went on. "Tell, Jared, you just volunteered."

He glanced at Marie an noted the cowering. No point sending some one who was a risk, "Marie. Communications. Get a coded message out for aid. Use frequency sets 15 and 9."

Relieved at having been overlooked, yet feeling guilty for not volunteering, Marie set about following the orders she had been given.

“Hailing frequencies open, Sir,” she intoned. “Channels 5 and 19. Sending standard coded message.” She punched more text into the comms system. “Now sending message concerning Lyan presence.”

Finally he turned to the Human doctor, "From what I hear through May'bel, you can handle yourself in combat. Will you go or stay?"

"I may as well go, my skills are of better set out there than me sitting around here waiting for them all to get back," Mike replied.