The Madness of Ro' HoD – Situation Normal
by HoD Ro' Matlh & Crewman Recruit UKnown Uknown & Sogh Germite Ephilom & Ne' Michelle "Mike" Young & Soghla' HIchop Matlh & Soghla' Terri (Tell) Hope & Soghla' Jared & Soghla' Marie St. Helene

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Title   Situation Normal
Mission   The Madness of Ro' HoD
Author(s)   HoD Ro' Matlh & Crewman Recruit UKnown Uknown & Sogh Germite Ephilom & Ne' Michelle "Mike" Young & Soghla' HIchop Matlh & Soghla' Terri (Tell) Hope & Soghla' Jared & Soghla' Marie St. Helene
Posted   Tue Nov 17, 2015 @ 12:16am
Location   Bridge, Deck 4, IKC FHew
Timeline   After the transporter room incident
Ro' stepped onto the bridge, adjusting his D'k'tagh before moving to the Captain's chair.

"Helm," he asked, "What is our current course and speed?"

Bruce checked the instruments, "We are... heading for the Drabis system at Warp 5, sir. ETA, five days."

"ToH," he said slowly spinning in his chair to observe the bridge crew. "That is good."

Hichop took a standing position next to the captain. Ro' glanced at him for longer than was normal, as if he was seeing him new for the first time, but then passed his gaze on to the others.

“Captain,” Marie said, before ‘Ro could round on her in his usual fashion. “I’d like to take Tell and have another look at the Lyan weapon. It did the job but I don’t know how or why. Having seen it in operation, we might be able to work some things out.”

Ro' hesitated, "No. Take jaqwI'. He needs to learn how to service the weapon for when Tell is on the bridge."

Marie shrugged. She would have preferred Tell, if for no other reason than the company, but ‘Ro was right; on a small ship like this they needed backup knowledge of all systems. She set off for the starboard bridge door with jaqwI' in tow.

Ro' stood again, moving to the Tactical station that Marie had just left, "Germite, I am tired of hearing rodents in the air ducts. Replicate some Malhezadrine poison gas, seal all the air vents through the ship and flood the Jeffries tubes. I want the vermin on this ship dead."

Wierd didn't even begin to describe that order. Ro' had been acting stranger and stranger of late. Still, Germite couldn't think of a good reason to question the order. At least he wasn't in a mood to have Ro' take his head off. He nodded to Ro', "It will be done."

Ro' watched him leave before turning to his science officer, "Jared, I want you to check the computer. Do a complete diagnostic. I want to be sure it has not been compromised in any way."

Tag: Jared.

"You," he said pointing to the new woman and startling her slightly, "Get down to Medical and help Mike do a complete inventory of our supplies. Next time we get to a Federation station I want to re-stock."

Not being able to concentrate well from a pounding headache and dizziness, the woman just started at this person... This... Not human... Kilngon.. Blank faced, and not able to say a word. After a silence she mumbled, "...Sorry... What do I need to do again...?"

"Deck 3, Aft," Ro' gave her directions. "Help the doctor inventory her supplies. You can count, I assume?"

"Klank," he barked at the newest crewman recruit, "Get down to Engineering and tell Tell that I want system diagnostics on the ship as well, especially EPS power relays. If you have to go over them by hand one inch at a time, do it!"

"HIchop," he looked a the man at his side, "help them out. Take Cha'a' and make a start on the Starboard EPS feeds."

The crew left the bridge, leaving only Bruce at Helm and Ro' at Tactical. He pulled up the display on the Torpedo status to watch as Marie and jaqwI' began their investigation.